Monday, July 13, 2009

How To Disable Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications

  1. Log on to the computer by using an account that has administrative permissions.
  2. Make sure that the WGA Notifications version that exists on the computer is a pilot version listed above. The version format for the pilot version is 1.5.0532.x. In this case, you can uninstall versions 527-532 only (Note: the steps should disable other version of WGA Notifications too). To find the WGA Notifications version, follow these steps:
    1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
    2. Double-click Add or uninstall Programs, locate and then click Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications, and then click Click here for support information.
    3. In the Support Info dialog box, verify the version number, and then click Close.
  3. Rename the following files by changing the extension to .old:

    Rename %Windir%\system32\WgaLogon.dll to %Windir%\system32\WgaLogon.old
    Rename %Windir%\system32\WgaTray.exe to %Windir%\system32\WgaTray.old

  4. Restart the computer.

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