Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hide All Icons OF Notification Area : Latest Tricks Tips Cheats Hacks

The system tray, also called the notification area, is the small area on the far right side
of the taskbar, in which utilities and programs that run in the background, such as
antivirus software, show their icons. I don’t find it a particularly intelligent use of
screen real estate, so I prefer not to see the icons there.

To hide them, run the Registry Editor and go to the following key:

Among other things, this key controls the display of objects throughout XP.
Create a new DWORD called NoTrayItemsDisplay. Assign it a value of 1. (A value
of 0 will keep the icons displayed.) Exit the Registry and reboot.
While you’re at the HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/
CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer key, you can also delete the My Recent Documents
icon on the Start menu. Create a new DWORD called NoRecentDocsMenu.

Assign it
a value of 1. (A value of 0 will keep the icon displayed.) Exit the Registry and reboot.

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