Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Security Hole/Exploit In IE6

A NEW securoty fault in IE6 with SP2 and all the latest security patches has been discovered.
Here is all i know about the fault.

It is:-

* Bug for all Microsoft Internet Explorer users
* Can be abused by hackwrs to run harmful JavaScript code and can be abused to mislead existing protection against harmful JavaScript code, like software from Norton, McAfee,
* Can be abused to mislead the search engines Google, MSN, Yahoo, AltaVista,
* Unpleasant for JavaScript programmers

All the information about the NEW horrible bug (info, exploit) , see the page

The bug is reported to Microsoft.

I publish this bug/exploit because a know security flaw is less dangerous than an unknown security hole that can be used by real hackers, swindlers or racketeers.

For more information about me, see also the internet page above.

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